Forums > Study > research in China The only other possible avenue I could think of would be to contact a university in your home country that already has strong links or joint programs with a Chinese university, or a campus here in China.
Having said that, even if it could be done, unless you can hook into an existing research program the timeline is probably too short.
Contacting the aforementioned universities may give you the answer as to whether or not it could be achieved. Sometimes a phone call to a research prof. is much more likely to get a response than an email.
Forums > Living in Kunming > International Labor Day Unless you work in retail, tourism, hospitality or F&B, etc.; then you labor.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Baoshan Life It needs to be borne in mind that in China a city is an administrative area, that may include large areas of rural land, not a predominantly urban area.
For example, Kunming now also includes Anning. When you looking at population figures to try and estimate the size of a city, this does not always give a good indication of the size of any urban area, or its level of development.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Chinese subtitles Thinking out of the box for a moment. It might be possible that youku, or tudou streaming sites have a version with Chinese subs.
Spring Festival 2020 Business Opening and Closing Times
Posted byThe re-opening of the meituan site is very helpful, thanks.
Kunming bank opens first biometric outlet in Yunnan
Posted byIf they are stopping family members from sharing, accessing SIMs, then I hope they relax the rules for foreigners.
Snapshot: Kunming's first ever PechaKucha Night
Posted byOff topic, but related to theme songs. When we watched terrestrial TV we listened to the whole theme, even if only in the background while we quickly made a cup of tea or finished off some other chore. With streaming, or watching box sets, we quickly FF over the theme song and titles. We are missing a lot of great music.
Everything else said by the last two posters can be captured within the idea that we no longer live in a society, we live in a market.
Yunnan reaches out to Cambodia with children's health initiative
Posted byThere is another elephant in the room.
Kunming dog registration required as of August 1, 2019
Posted byHa ha.