Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming's tripadvisor problem @Ishmael, not disgusting, just the real world. All of us currently enjoy lots of 'free to view' content. Without revenue streams to support these they would be behind 'pay walls'. As has happened to a lot of newspaper and other sites that cannot gather enough 'card carrying' or other revenues.
GoKunming is supported by card carrying revenue, at least. Another site I am involved with is supported by member donations.
Forums > Living in Kunming > International Labor Day China will be celebrating May 4th this year. I have just seen it on the telly.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming's tripadvisor problem This is common practice. You can pay to get bumped up almost any search results list on most browsers, and have been able to for many years. It is also a major source of revenue for sites like trip adviser. These sites are independent review bodies, they are companies and that means that their main purpose is to make money. That is how your 'free to access' information is paid for.
Forums > Study > research in China Having followed this thread over the past couple of days, a few new thoughts spring to mind.
Usually in China people will not say no, as they do not want to be the bringer of bad news. They just don't get back to you. Sound familiar?
As for annoying people, I think that will get you nowhere, and could well put up barriers. You might be able to corner someone face to face. They may even say yes, and then they will do nothing and become un-contactable.
Are you doing undergrad, masters, or doctoral/post-doc research? If it is the first two, I doubt you would get a response.
Someone also mentioned 'guanxi', in China it is not what you know but who you know.
Remember, just because you really want to do something, and that it may even be of value, does not mean that others are obliged to help in any way whatsoever, and altruism is not common.
Anyone who might be in a position to help you will also consider that anything that might shine a light into a dark corner may cause them, or their bosses, some loss of face and they will not want to get involved, unless they are ordered to from above.
If you really want to do research on Chinese subjects, you will probably need to work with secondary data, if you can get access to it. This way you can work on your own.
Spring Festival 2020 Business Opening and Closing Times
Posted byThe re-opening of the meituan site is very helpful, thanks.
Kunming bank opens first biometric outlet in Yunnan
Posted byIf they are stopping family members from sharing, accessing SIMs, then I hope they relax the rules for foreigners.
Snapshot: Kunming's first ever PechaKucha Night
Posted byOff topic, but related to theme songs. When we watched terrestrial TV we listened to the whole theme, even if only in the background while we quickly made a cup of tea or finished off some other chore. With streaming, or watching box sets, we quickly FF over the theme song and titles. We are missing a lot of great music.
Everything else said by the last two posters can be captured within the idea that we no longer live in a society, we live in a market.
Yunnan reaches out to Cambodia with children's health initiative
Posted byThere is another elephant in the room.
Kunming dog registration required as of August 1, 2019
Posted byHa ha.