Forums > Living in Kunming > Used car lots? There is a big one on the way out of Beichen. Follow Beichen DaDao eastwards, past the old B&Q and onto the third ring road. A couple of km up the road on the right is a big car sales area. I am pretty sure it is a car auction place. I may also sell grey imports.
Forums > Living in Kunming > computer advice? There is always Linux, which is open source. The office suite is not as flexible (powerful) as other products, but it is MS Office compatible. Also the range of APPs available for it is smaller than the range of APPs for MS Win OS, but it is getting better.
I have Linux Mint (like windows) on one of my old laptops, and because it is less memory hungry it runs fine on the 15+ years old machine. Because Mint looks similar to a Windows/Mac environment, it is pretty intuitive and pretty easy to adjust too.
I am sure that Linux products and choice of compatibles has moved forward a lot in the 4 years since I had it installed.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Transferring money into China Something I learned a while back, you need to be very specific about the questions you ask, and don't ask open questions.
The BOC employee may have assumed you were talking about cash, in its narrowest sense. You need to specifically state that you want to bring money in to purchase a house. If the bank staff still say no, ask to speak to a manager.
Also make sure you go to the main branch, as sub branch staff (even managers) are often less knowledgeable about their own bank's procedures.
Assuming it is possible for property purchases. If it is done properly, with all of the correct paperwork, you will then have the proper paperwork to take the money out again if you liquidate the property at a future date.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Anyone affected by flooding? Some roads in the xiaoqu were under about 100mm of water before dawn, and houses with basements were affected.
Anyone else affected?
Forums > Living in Kunming > Civilized Kunming On a seperate note. I see they already have the recycle/separation bins for sale in Metro. Not cheap at about 4-5x the price of Taobao.
How bad is Kunming's air?
Posted byWe can argue about temperatures until the cows come home, and for political reasons, many people do. That is why the term 'global warming' has been superseded by the term 'climate change'.
As for the future. An important ecological presupposition is that an environment cannot be destroyed, only modified. The earths environment may be modified to a point where the earth can no longer support human life at the levels we have been used to. What happens then? Perhaps a lot of techno-fixes, to create micro climates that are less stressful for human life.
Perhaps, Africa will become more temperate, and other areas of the globe will become more hostile to life. Perhaps the droughts and famines will visit Europe and the Americas.
In nature, where the environment changes faster than animals can evolve, there is 'cultural evolution'. This is where animals change thier behavior in order to survive. The finches in the Galapagos isands are an example of this, where different species feed at different levels of the same tree, as a way of avoiding direct competition with other species. Personally, I think there is room for humans to undergo more cultural evolution.
How bad is Kunming's air?
Posted byWhatever the arguments about global warming.
Whoever is to blame.
DianChi is green with algae, and unsafe to swim in.
Urban air pollution/smog is recognised as a major problem in China.
How bad is Kunming's air?
Posted byIs that the same PLA general who says that bird flu is part of US psyche warfare?
Recipe: Copper pot rice
Posted byThe article mentions the kitchen supply market at DaShangHui.
I thought I had walked all of DaShangHui, but don't recall seeing kitchen supplies.
Can anyone give the exact location?
Kunming battling Chinglish
Posted byI think the 'Please aim carefully' is 100% ok.
Bang on target.