Unless you have paid tax in Kunming for 12 months you cannot get a mortgage. New regulation. Affects Chinese nationals as well.
If you already own one property in China, you cannot buy a second property in Kunming, unless you have a Kunming HuKou (Household ID, for Chinese nationals). Even with cash. New regulation.
If you already own 2 or more properties in China, you cannot buy in Kunming, even with cash. New regulation
Unless you have been resident in China for 12 months, you cannot buy property. Old regulation.
Regards real estate agents, things work differently to how they do back home. People who have property go to their local real estate agent, and this can be really local. Often 10 agents will have the same prop in the window, but only one will have the keys. There can be as many as 30 independent real estate agents in one small area.
Best way to find property is to go to the neighbourhoods where you think you could live. Have a good walk around to get a feel for the place, and look at buildings you might like to live in.
Look at local agents windows. There will always be at least one that looks more professional, possibly part of a chain. Hit these first. If you can, find an interpreter that you can trust not to try and act like an agent and try to get a commission.
Deposits vary, usually 2 months rent. You may also be expected to stump up the first 3 months rent in advance, but not always. The agent may expect a finders fee of one months rent (you pay), but this is easily negotiated down.
If you are looking to rent higher end accommodation or a house, there is a shortage of this type of property in Kunming. We tried to find 'middle class' prop of over 150m around Green Lake a few month ago. There were only 2 apartments available. We also looked for houses in the Dianchi area, only about 6, and only two were suitable.
There is a lot of empty prop around Kunming, but most of it not decorated (no kitchen, no bathroom), and of the little that is decorated many are unfurnished.
How bad is Kunming's air?
Posted byWe can argue about temperatures until the cows come home, and for political reasons, many people do. That is why the term 'global warming' has been superseded by the term 'climate change'.
As for the future. An important ecological presupposition is that an environment cannot be destroyed, only modified. The earths environment may be modified to a point where the earth can no longer support human life at the levels we have been used to. What happens then? Perhaps a lot of techno-fixes, to create micro climates that are less stressful for human life.
Perhaps, Africa will become more temperate, and other areas of the globe will become more hostile to life. Perhaps the droughts and famines will visit Europe and the Americas.
In nature, where the environment changes faster than animals can evolve, there is 'cultural evolution'. This is where animals change thier behavior in order to survive. The finches in the Galapagos isands are an example of this, where different species feed at different levels of the same tree, as a way of avoiding direct competition with other species. Personally, I think there is room for humans to undergo more cultural evolution.
How bad is Kunming's air?
Posted byWhatever the arguments about global warming.
Whoever is to blame.
DianChi is green with algae, and unsafe to swim in.
Urban air pollution/smog is recognised as a major problem in China.
How bad is Kunming's air?
Posted byIs that the same PLA general who says that bird flu is part of US psyche warfare?
Recipe: Copper pot rice
Posted byThe article mentions the kitchen supply market at DaShangHui.
I thought I had walked all of DaShangHui, but don't recall seeing kitchen supplies.
Can anyone give the exact location?
Kunming battling Chinglish
Posted byI think the 'Please aim carefully' is 100% ok.
Bang on target.