Just to be clear, in case someone comes to this thread on page 3 and draws the wrong conclusion about the rental multiplier. The rental multiplier does not set the property value. It is just a crude indicator to the level of property prices, i.e. overpriced (bubble) or under priced (depressed). I have heard figures of 200-300x being used to describe a sensible level, but that is of course subjective. I have only heard it used in this way, for the domestic property market.
As for leasing values of commercial property, that is a totally different market. People buy commercial property with the aim to earn/rent it out usually, and not as an investment. About 5 years ago we were quoted commercial property rents in Kunming (not in prime locations) that were higher than they were in comparable districts (not prime locations) in Shanghai. I cannot suggest reasons for this particular form of madness, except just dumb avarice.
Report: Yunnan bonds shaky
Posted byI checked and it was still available yesterday. Not sure of minimum period. But three months makes a nice change from the usual minimum of 12.
Report: Yunnan bonds shaky
Posted byYes this is a high tisk period, and yes there have been problems in the past, but I think the HuaXia bank scandal last year put the cat among the pigeons for wealth management schemes in China.
Because there are so few investment opportunities, combined with so few people willing to invest, and with recent regulatory changes the banks need to/have to move money in the markets. This has opened up some more attractive products at the moment.
We have just been offered 5.5% projected annual growth for a wealth management product, and get this, the principle is protected (you cannot lose your original investment). You can invest for limited periods too. We invested for 3 months, as we have some spare cash for that period. I think you can invest for as little as one month.
NB This is not a recommendation for people to go out and invest, it is just a bit of information on another related trend in the market at the moment.
Volunteers needed to help Lufeng schools
Posted byI can't help feeling the participation/contributions to the event would have been higher with a different title to the article. I am cynical, TIC afterall.
Yunnan raises minimum wage
Posted byDon't hit the guy in front.
Don't hit government vehicles.
Yunnan raises minimum wage
Posted byStop on red IF there is a traffic cop standing there.