Forums > Study > research in China Shanghai government is much more progressive, more open minded to outside ideas, and has a history of international co-operation at all levels. You are more likely to get support there.
Shanghai is a diverse city, with rural and urban poor, as well as rich middle class. There are all levels of society. A study in Shanghai may not be exactly what you want to do, but it looks like you are much more likely to be able to do it.
I don't know how much you know about the culture in China, but people do not like to say 'no', on most occasions you will just get no reply. Sound familiar? At least now it sounds like you have found a gatekeeper, or someone who knows one.
IMHO take what is on offer, especially if your timescale is limited. Otherwise you may well end up with nothing.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Sources of places of interest info I am looking around those, but Google Trips seems to be competition for tripadvisor, which is not really what I need.
The beauty of the old Panoramia, is that you could look on Google Earth at an area you will be travelling though, then select the picture icons to see what is in that area.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Sources of places of interest info I am looking for resources for trip planning. Google Earth used to be good for places of interest, using the Panoramia photo database, but Panoramia is no longer supported, and all of the images have gone; waiting to be replaced by new pics.
Some online tourist sites are worse than useless, as you get directed there from a search, but all the site has is hotels, that may actually be 10 km away.
Lonely planet is out of date and, in the digital age, does not seem to be relevant.
Does anyone know of any good sources for identifying places to visit in China.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Wikipedia gone Yes, in the same way that boiled rice is an alternative to a full banquet.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Accomodation Registration Form The 24 hours is if the rules are applied strictly. I have returned on Fridays in the past. The police person who does the registration is off on the weekend and we have never had a problem registering within the week.
One time I forgot to re-register after a trip to HK. I remembered and registered about 2 months later. They were more irritated about having to do the paperwork, than bothered about the late registration. I ended up only paying one day fine.
Heavy rains wreak havoc around Yunnan
Posted byNot sure if the question is serious, but here is a serious attempt at an answer.
In the last month or so we have had a lot of rain over a prolonger period, and it has helped a lot. But there has been a 4 year deficit of rainfall vs water use. This has depleted water stocks.
Water stocks consist of rivers and lakes, reservoirs, and most importantly ground water. To replenish the stocks there needs to be rain over a prolonged period. Long periods of consistent light rain are far better at replenishing water sources than heavy rain over short periods.
Shorter periods of heavy rain increase surface water. In urban areas, the concrete buildings and roads prevent the rain water from going into the ground and you get floods and most of this runs off into water courses.
In non-urban areas the surface water can run over the ground with only a small percentage actually soaking in. There is also run off to water courses, flash floods etc.
Water courses, including rivers and many shallow lakes don't really store the extra water, it just runs through.
Where there are deeper lakes and reservoirs water is stored, but this is only a small part of the water reserves.
It takes time for water to permeate the deep ground to replenish aquifers.
Not a perfect answer, I know.
Li Ping fundraiser
Posted bySad news.
I echo everything @Adrian said.
Governor: Provincial highway bathrooms China's worst
Posted bySame as beans
Cruciferous vegetables.
Good for the heart,
The more you eat,
the more you......
Governor: Provincial highway bathrooms China's worst
Posted byAs a demi-tarian, I must confess that I do seem to fart more on my veggie days.
Governor: Provincial highway bathrooms China's worst
Posted byVisited one just over the border in Guizhou. The pans had not been flushed and there were piles of poop. There was a matong (a sitter shiter) but it was smashed, like have the bowl was gone and jagged edges. No seat (obviously) and it had been used. Build up of green gunk on the porcelain suggest a time lag since any real cleaning had been done.
I think the governer will be regretting his off hand remark, not realising it would go on record.
What ever happened to the 2 flies rule?