not all of the news stories are behind the paywall. News on the Coronavirus has not been behind the paywall so far.
Microsoft News, accessible if you have Win10 from the Windows icon bottom left of the screen. Also available by pressing the windows button on some keyboards.
PLEASE add to this list if you know of other sources that are not behind the GFW.
It was mentioned in the CoronaVirus thread that not everyone has access to a proxy.
The purpose of this thread is to start listing news sources that do not require a proxy (at the time of posting).
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Great to know it is no longer dry.
Good review BTW
This has moved.
The cut flowers are about 700m east on Duonan Jie. The plants and trees are about 700 m west and follow Duocai Section.
A reasonable choice of lumber that has improved over time. Fancy hardwoods like walnut, and mahogany are in abundance. There are some plywood and rubber-wood boards available. There are also some kiln dried imported softwoods and merbao available. Some of the lumber is very green, so look for the kiln dried if you need stable timbers.
Echo everything said by others.
Breakfast great and the serve from 8am. Most other places say 9am and they still are not ready.
Sandwiches are cheap 22-32, and really packed full of filling. We got some sandwiches for a day out, the only mistake I made was ordering two, as this was too much. These are seriously good sangars, and they are wrapped in alu foil.
In fairness to Metro, they are a wholesalers, and not really a supermarket. Hence the need for a card, which can be got around.
They have improved in the year I have been away. They now carry a more consistent range of imported foodstuffs and they also seem to have sorted out the mported milk supply.
They have a wider range of electrical appliances now, there is a coice of more than one toast. There is also a better range of seasonal non foods, like clothes, shoes, garden furniture and camping gear.
Yunnan county cooks the books for $850 million
Posted byI see many small frauds, probably because there are many small businesses that I have dealings with. From the guy who under weighed my potatoes (about 5rmb) to the guy who cheated us on the home decorating materials (10s of th). All small frauds, I doubt if any of the guys I deal with will ever get rich, because they are stupid as well as greedy.
It seems to be SW culture. The only crime seems to be getting caught. Just wait and see if any of the guys in that county have public pictures with them wearing Rolex. If they do then the Human Flesh Search Engine will out them.
Xingyi: Guizhou's peaceful Karst paradise
Posted bythx
Xingyi: Guizhou's peaceful Karst paradise
Posted byCan anyone give any lat:long so that i can find this on GoogleEarth, or road directions, please?
Monkeys menacing Qujing cornfields
Posted byAnd so some 600 monkeys eat 450 tonnes of corn a year, or should I say, in a season.
Kunming's metro could cost 300 billion yuan
Posted byYes, BRT in Kunming would be a much better option.