Forums > Living in Kunming > Internet speed and reliability using VPN Then too, the Firewall discourages Chinese writers from contributing to a number of foreign websites that may be 'inappropriate' or 'unpatriotic' or something."
I don't think that has anything to do with the GFW. That is to do with the separate policy of people being encouraged to self censor.
Forums > Study > research in China It might help if you have a covering letter that frames your purpose/outcomes in a positive light. People may be afraid that your aim, or your outcome, is to show that the subjects are in some way dysfunctional.
This does not put a presupposition into your research, the letter is just to get your foot in the door. What you do afterwards can follow normal research protocols.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Does anyone know of English speaking carers Does anyone know of any English speaking carers. There is a wheelchair/bedbound old English man who needs care. His wife can just about cope during the day but needs some respite at night.
There have been a lot of problems with local carers as the gentleman cannot communicate his needs, and this is why an English speaking carer is needed.
Does anyone know of any English speaking carers in Kunming?
Forums > Living in Kunming > How to bring my pet dog to kunming It is also worth trying to find out what are the 30 banned breeds in Kunming. These are usually larger breeds, but I saw a poster in Kunming that did include Afghan hounds.
These rules are not strictly enforced when you are here, but coming through customs and quarantine, the rules may be.
Six-day visa-free transit on offer in Kunming, other cities, beginning January 1
Posted byThe only potential sticking point that I could see is if the visitor needs to show a hotel evidence of a hotel stay.
Lijiang China's number one tourist hotspot
Posted byGreat. More tourists.
Sichuan water release devastates parts of northwest Yunnan
Posted byIf the barrier lake had filled, and then dam collapsed, the impact would have been much greater. An interesting follow up would be about formation of development of this barrier lake, and what led to the decision to act.
Beijing approves massive Changshui International Airport expansion
Posted byA thought on the aging population in China. We should not forget the economic changes that have occurred in the last two generations.
The people of retiring age over the next 10 years (50-65 now) are the generation who made the big money. What will they do with the money when they have time on their hands? One of the things they will likely do is travel.
This generation of middle class retirees is not the poor, financially dependent, aged who rely on their children for support. In fact many of them are supporting their children financially.
These people are mobile and rich enough to travel in a way that their parents could only have dreamed of. There are millions of them.
Beijing approves massive Changshui International Airport expansion
Posted byI would guess that the number of people who will be able to afford to travel by air will continue to increase, even if the population declines.
As for there being not a lot to do in Kunming, it has always been the springboard to other places in Yunnan. I just see more people using the springboard.