Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming: Where to buy hanging files? In the UK I did the same thing. I switched to concertina files (similar to the blue ones but bigger. BTW N/A in China) and then put these files in the filing cabinet.
By using the blue file boxes, with multiple dividers in them, you can probably increase the amount of documents you can store in a filing cabinet threefold.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Camera charger Hi Dude
When I wanted a charger for my laptop I could not get one. But after chasing my techie buddies the advised me as follows, and the same advice can be applied to the camera.
Most chargers are generic. As long as you get the right voltage and the Amp rating of the charger is greater than or equal to the original.
The only exception I can think of is if the battery is LiPo. Then you need a LiPo Charger.
BTW have you tried Baidu?
Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming: Where to buy hanging files? Bruce
Let us know how you get on. I am looking for good stationary stores as well.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Recruiting in Kunming 03hkt
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Forums > Living in Kunming > Recruiting in Kunming
is another one
I would be cautious of headhunters. Anybody can set themselves up as a headhunter in China, and many, many unqualified people do. They will even put forward unsuitable candidates, which is a waste of everyone's time.
If you want to find out more about recruitment in Kunming, you need to find someone who can help you search in Chinese.
Have you tried searching using search engine?
You may be able to search in English and get back lots of search results in Chinese characters. If you use GoogleChrome as the browser, you can set it to translate for you. Just an afterthought.
Fishing 'season' ends on slowly reviving Dianchi Lake
Posted byThe wetland management has included diverting water from one of the small rivers, and running it through a wetland. The wetland is not longer just a fetid black swamp, and there are many more egrets there this year.
New Kunming train station to open in 2016
Posted byMaybe when the subway is finished. However, if you want to transfer to a slower train at Kunming main railway station, there is still a long walk from the subway.
Fuxian shampoo incident becomes national topic
Posted byAnd then there is the egg farmer, with the run off from the chicken slurry polluting the north shore. The smell of chicken slurry was very noticeable some days.
Perhaps the authorities should look at local serial polluters before going on the rampage about the occasional bad tourist.
Earth's budget deficit at 160%, hope stems from trees
Posted byNB I must say, 'sorry about the typos', before my arguments are attacked, based on my use of English.
Earth's budget deficit at 160%, hope stems from trees
Posted byI can only assume you have never been involved in any Agenda 21 groups. I have, and activities were very much bottom up and distinctly local (county level with specific regard to . Committees were formed from local people, most of whom were concerned citizens. A Local Agenda 21 document was produced formulated and produced by the group. Members of the local council were present, as volunteers, to look at feasibility, and to make sure that the document was published. I the document out LA 21 group produced, there were about 200 advisers in the group, from industry, academia, local NGOs and concerned citizens (including some conspiracy theorists, tree huggers and doubters) . All lived locally, all were stakeholders.
You may be surprised, but there were no representatives of the UN or big government present at the meetings.