Forums > Living in Kunming > Do Kunming Drivers Know they are Inconsiderate and Dangerous Ref PLA vehicles.
I don't think the traffic laws apply to them. I don't think the police have the power to stop them.
The don't hit anybody else is the unwritten law. However, when the traffic cop arrives he will look to see if anyone has crossed a white line illegally, or not given proper right of way. Proving someone busted a red light is harder.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Walmart no more I said "some of the radical vegans".
Not all radical vegans.
Not all vegans.
Jeez! Demonstrate some tolerance.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Natural Gas versus Electric Hot Water Heaters My experience
The electric water heaters are fine, if ugly. You need to make sure you get one big enough for each bathroom. Get separate tank for kitchen too.
If people are a bit thoughtful about water use there is no problem.I.E. Water on, wet body. Water off, soap body. Water on, rinse body. No luxuriating.
The good ones keep the water hot for several days, and they have a speed heat setting (double heaters).
I can see a problem with a pressure booster before the tank, it creates negative pressure behind it that may cause problems for other residences, and may even cause an airlock. They may not be permitted by the water company. I had the same issue in the UK for mains fed water, not permitted.
Good solar heat exchangers can reach temperatures of 120 degrees, before heat is exchanged. You get what you pay for.
We have solar heating and it is crap. The biggest issue is that water feeds down into a hot water tank. The tank has a heating element to boost the temperature. However, the thermal lagging seems to have little effect, possible becuase the water is circulating in poorly insulated pipes. The water can drop from 50* to 20* in less than three hours. To make matters worse, the heater cannot be timed, and so the water is on 24/7. We tried to heat the water before bed, but in the morning the water is down to 20*.
I think to get a high quality complete system is going to cost you bigger money. And you need to ensure than having bought the best pipe, the installer does not swap it out for cheap stuff when you are not looking.
We had gas installed in Shanghai and it was expensive to run. Part of the problem is that even the factory engineers could not get the thermostat to work on the timer setting. And so the water was on 24/7, and the central heating we switched on on demand.
I have not experience with Kunming gas.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Golf in Kunming We must have been offered half price as a guest rate for the Dianchi Golf Hotel.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Walmart no more I usally do buy from the wet market.
Most of us do need Metro/Wallmart/Carrefour occasionally.
Yes I miss pie and chips too. I get bisto Gravy Granules sent from home as well.
Migrant workers receive bricks in lieu of pay
Posted byI don't think the courts are uneducated. I think more cynically. The amount owed is $14k. I bet the owners are still driving flash cars and own several properties. The company may not have assets to pay, but I bet the owners do.
Weekend in Dali: A Chinese perspective
Posted byI have just come back from a quick trip around that area, and spent one afternoon and night in Dali. Dali has found a new identity.
I have visited Dali several times over the years, and like many people on here was disappointed with what I saw. The slow commercialisation of Dali, leading to a schizophrenic (not one thing, not another) mess.
On my recent visit, the street vendors had gone the really low end food places had mostly gone. The city was busy, and for a mid-week just before CNY that was surprising. It was not a frantic busy, everything was moving smoothly and working well. Even noise seemed to be down, and I found it a lot less stressful.
There is a sort of gentrification among traders. There are more upmarket shops. There are many more shaokao (national trend) and most of these are chains, rather than small independents. Many of the small family food places have redecorated and are not the old dim and dismal places that they used to be. The commercial development has also spread into other streets.
Dali is not the Dali of old, but it has found a new identity. This new identity may not be to everybody's taste, but I found the city a much nicer place to stay, than I did 3 years ago.
Government sues parents to get kids back to school
Posted bySo we must make them learn.
You can take a horse to water, but a pencil has to be lead.
Government sues parents to get kids back to school
Posted by@Janjal, your argument contains many assumptions and additional requirements (story tellers etc). If we cannot provide the additional resources your suggested strategy would require and you cannot get China's rural poor to demand answers; again we have a moot point.
Comparing EU farmers, who are business owners who learn to work the system for profit with the rural poor, Is perhaps a case of chalk and cheese.
China hands out happy city awards, Kunming sad
Posted byOf course material wealth is not the only measure, but it affects many other measures, and is a predominant feature in a capitalist system.
Perhaps it is human nature to want more than we have now, in capitalism this includes having more than the guy next to us. If we have more now than we had before, there is likely to be a sense of achievement/progress/increased security/satisfaction/happiness in that fact alone,. It is also a very simple qualitative measure for almost anyone.
Q. Do I have more than last year. A. Yes/no. If yes, has my relative position compared to my neighbors also improved? Am I content/happy with this?
In reality the questions are not even asked, they are not even out there, but they are part of the zeit geist. In cities with stronger economic growth the answers to the questions are going to be yes for more people. Chengdu is such a place. It is only when the personal costs of achieving this wealth are perceived to outweigh the advantages of the new wealth that people start to question it, but that comes later.