User profile: Hagakure

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Forum posts

Forums > Living in Kunming > VPN services, which one?!

Paying proxys are good but not reliable.
I used to pay 5 Euro for VPNTunnel dot se a month but speed was so slow.
The cheapeast is, 10 RMB a month or 45 for 6 months.
With alipay account is of course the cheapest way to pay them.

Forums > Food & Drink > Cheap Birthday Cake?

The best value for money are Jiahua bakery to my opinion.
Be careful some cake needs prereservation or are sold out quickly.


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Staff is totally under qualified and does not take care of customers the way it should be.
The concept and decoration are nice but how can they imagine getting loyal customers if even simple waitor is not giving the minimum professionnal attitude that is expected.
Go there to play, not to eat.