Kundu is a filth hole... 99% of the money you spend there benefits gangsters.
Kundu is a filth hole... 99% of the money you spend there benefits gangsters.
Thanks for the advice @TallAmerican...
We have only been married a few months, but together for 7 years. The tourist visa might be tricky. She has a Yuxi hukou and no real estate in her name. Her family is not dependent on her. We do have a business here together now for 7 years and she and I need to be here most of the time. My understanding is they don't even consider her relationship to me (her husband) when reviewing a visitor's visa application.
It seems the anti-US sentiment comes from our Post WW2 security treaty with Japan, which limits their military while shifting the burden of security to the US.
Also Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands are mentioned in the San Francisco treaty.
I think Japan nationalizing the islands was a bad move given the high tensions... but the response over here of trashing Japanese products and attacks on Japanese citizens living in China is totally unacceptable.
To me it's kind of a far stretch that the US is somehow orchestrating this nationalization of the islands by Japan. What do you think?
Hopefully there will ne no further escalation and people will be consumed with some other crisis/event. Too bad Apple might have to delay the launch of the iPhone 5, that will polarize people into a frenzy of consumerism!
Walking my dog yesterday was approached by two middle-aged guys who were screaming &*&# Japan and &*&# USA... at that point they started asking me in Chinese if I was an American helping Japan steal the Diaoyu islands... something like that. My dog who is a 38kg doberman got a little scared and started growling at which point they left me alone.
Anyone else been harassed...?
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The Box says goodbye
Posted byDirtbag greedy landlords... 贪得无厌