I am really craving for some live NFL actions here in Kunming and I have no sources of watching it, can someone tell me how you can find the broadcasting here in Kunming for NFL or how to watch this at home? it will be greatly appreciate it.
I am really craving for some live NFL actions here in Kunming and I have no sources of watching it, can someone tell me how you can find the broadcasting here in Kunming for NFL or how to watch this at home? it will be greatly appreciate it.
he people, I desperately need the detailed procedures on how to apply a visiting visa or a marriage visa for my newlywed, who is a kunming local and I am an American, I am only looking for her to come to america to visit not immigrant because we are planning to live in this beautiful city for many years to come, we would really appreciate the steps of getting this done quickly and hectic free, any info would be appreciate it, thanks.
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Winners: Best of Kunming Awards 2014
Posted byok am i the only who noticed this? the one where it says the best madarin school actually did not write the well known chinese phrase "good good study, day day up" correctly, how ironic is that? so obviously to say eastern language and culture school is the best chinese school really is saying there are not that many competitions for teaching mandarin and that the school monopolize the market with offering student visas while other schools can't, just for the record it is haohao xuexi, tian tian xiang shang..... 好好学习,天天向上