I went to Thai Airlines near the train station this morning and guess what? THERE ARE NO THAI AIRLINE PROMOTIONAL TICKET SALES OF ANY KIND AT THIS TIME. So this information above is not correct.
I went to Thai Airlines near the train station this morning and guess what? THERE ARE NO THAI AIRLINE PROMOTIONAL TICKET SALES OF ANY KIND AT THIS TIME. So this information above is not correct.
I'll be there. Nevada.
Dear Mr. "inkunming"...
Welcome. We have a wonderful group of foreigners,. both long-term and students, who live in Kunming and Yunnan and we really pride ourselves in being "open", curious, and anxious to discuss all kinds topics and ideas. However, I think I agree with Chris in asking the question "here" in relation to you and your forum. How long have you lived in Kunming or Yunnan or China. Where is "here" or more specifically where are you located in Kunming or are you running this site from somewhere other than Kunming or Yunnan. Do you have an office? How can we meet you and other people involved in designing this forum? If you are located in Kunming or Yunnan who built and designed this new forum? In other words, it's nice to have a little personal information, well, information in general, as to the background and experiences of the person or people who set up websites and new forums such as yours.
One of the reasons Gokunming is such an excellant site and the reason many of us use it (and believe me, there have been plenty of other attempts at forums and websites similar to Gokunming that have started and failed over the past 6 years I have lived here) is because we know the people who put this site together and how they operate. We know them to be thorough and fair. They have gained our respect and we trust them.
So that's why I'm asking my questions and I think perhaps that is what Chris meant when he asked you to explain a little about what "here" means.
Our band, The Tribal Moons have been involved in planning the Saturday October 31st Halloween Night Costume & Dance Paty Extravaganza at Uprock for a long time.
This Halloween night in Kunming we wanted a large space and a good club for dancing to live music and DJs. As the agenda was originally planned, with Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, we wanted to get things going early to allow bands and people to be outside as well as inside from late afternoon on Halloween day until the sun comes up the following morning.
Those plans have been changed but the first band will go on at 7:30 pm. and live music will continue until 1:30 or 2am. when the DJs will take over.
Tell everyone about the 7:30pm starting time as the Halloween festivites are getting underway about the time the sun goes down. You don't have to wait until late to get going thsi year!
A complete schedule of bands and activities and times will be posted next week. You also won't have to wait around all night to see who wins the prizes!
This is not a "concert" as was previously stated.
It will be an excitng night of dancing and partying featuring a variety of bands and styles of music. Prizes will be awarded to those in "the best" costumes.
Word has been circulating around Kunming and Yunnan that there will be surprise games and special events.
The Tribal Moons & friends & Uprock want to welcome you to this year's October 31st Halloween Dance and Costume Extravaganza! Get ready!
Cover charge is 20 yuan and will be collected from the start until the party's over. Everyone pays, but it will be well worth the price!
You can get into facebook by www.sneakme.net. But, you cannot comment on anything or write on your profile page.
No results found.
Have a Heart fundraiser call for volunteers!
Posted byI want to thank everyone at Sal's, and all the people who have come together once again in Kunming to work so hard to put this fundraiser together. Though I have been gone for a time, my heart is in Kunming and in spirit with the children and all we can do for them. I am happy and excited to come back and play with my band and be part of this great event. Thanks for the invitation and kind regards. See you there!
Saying goodbye to old friends: The ballad of Cas and John
Posted byCas and I would like to thank everyone for their lovely comments on the article Pat wrote about us in regard to leaving our home and Kunming family after all of these wonderful years we spent there. It's been a difficult decision and move. Many people we have met and developed friends with have inspired us, helped us, encouraged us and shown us their kindness. We will always remember the people and memories we have of our very special 12 years in Kunming. Love you all!
John Nevada Lundemo to release album Rocket Chair
Posted bywww.newsreview.com/reno/fine-china/content?oid=17478324
A article about me and my new album "Rocket Chair" written by Steve Timko in Reno, USA.
Interview: A farewell chat with Joost Meester
Posted byJoost..I'm gonna miss you, brother...you have always been so kind to me, to my wife Cas...to everyone...You have inspired me with your music and playing with everyone...You always called me, asked me to play, thought of me, and I enjoyed every gig...You and Fried and the crew know how to welcome and take care of people and we are really gonna miss you. good luck and have fun moving back to Holland. Stay in touch. Nevada.
John Nevada Lundemo to release album Rocket Chair
Posted byWhat a fantastic night. Thanks to all who came out to show their love and support. Great vibes.
You can purchase the 15 songs on www.sodanger.com or from Salvador's, Cantina and Brooklyn. Also from myself and Cas.
Many thanks and love