1. I do not understand the relevance of what does or doesn't go on in the U.S. to this discussion.
2. 'Voluntarily' traveling to work and live in the Dwarf Empire is not entirely voluntary, as an above message itself: the message mentions how poorly small people are treated when applying for other jobs - i.e., the problem is one of establishing a level playing field in the society itself - dwarf kingdoms etc. are merely escapes, which increase the public attitude that these people are a globally 'special' group who can perform cuddly roles, etc., for tourist amusement, and can't do anything else.
Minivan plunges off Yunnan cliff, killing twelve
Posted byNo reason to assume the driver was speeding.
The last Mongols of Yunnan
Posted byI wonder how much of an event Nadam was here, among the local Mongols, before the tourist industry decided to make it an event - Yunnan is a long way, and the local Mongols many centuries, from Mongolia.
China moves to lessen air pollution, Yunnan excluded
Posted byStep in the right direction, hope all residents will play their part. This may involve convincing them of the part they have to play. The process starts at home, and with transportation choices.
Lincang eyeglasses fundraiser
Posted byExcellent idea, count me in. But I can't do the website proxy - what is that about?.
The last Mongols of Yunnan
Posted byGood article, with the history necessary to understand almost anything in Yunnan.