...that is collectively owned by the cyclists and that refuse to deliver from restaurants that provide throw away chopsticks, and who will not use elevators.
Man, there's GENIUS on this thread today!
(Confession: I think I ate off paper plates last night at the highly-successful Have a Heart fundraiser. However, I walked home afterwards....but then I bought some bananas on the way home and as I had been too thoughtless to carry my own bag, I accepted the plastic bag into which the hawker put the bananas, and I already have way too many plastic bags in my flat...damn!)
Government looking to step up supervision of Erhai
Posted byNasty influence of concentrations of private money/power.
Government looking to step up supervision of Erhai
Posted bySeems necessary - purely local administrations are unlikely to consider the effects of their actions on areas under other local administrations. On the other hand, if this just means Kunming-based Yunnan administrators making all decisions for local inhabitants without their consultation it will likely not work, or will lead to other problems. But something does need to be done about Erhai.
Fundraiser: buying rice threshers for Guizhou farmers
Posted byLocal cash contributions? Where?
Fundraiser: buying rice threshers for Guizhou farmers
Posted bySeems like a decent idea - anybody know these people?
Urban management officers replaced by plants
Posted byI wonder if any of the problems that have to do with unlicenced vendors etc. might have something to do with a (relative) downturn in an economy, a lack of well-paying jobs for those with few formal qualifications, and an increasingly unequitable socio-economic system?