User profile: HFCAMPO

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Forum posts

Forums > Living in Kunming > Chenggong

I have lived in Kunming for 8 years and I remember when they first built the Ghost town known as Century City. I walked that area years ago and I can hear a pin drop because it was quiet and desolate. Go visit Century City today and you will find a busy and very populated area. Although most apartments are purchased even before the building is complete, those who know Kunming can tell you that it takes about 2-3 years before those apartments are rented and businesses open and the community begins to thrive. The same goes for Cheng Gong. I visited the Yunnan University campus in Cheng Gong 4 years ago when it first opened and only Freshman and sophomores lived in this campus. The area was desolate and only a few small places for students to eat. It is a big difference today. Just needs time for people to and invest and start businesses. This will have absolutely no effect on Green Lake.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Dali to Lijiang New Road

The new road from Dali to Lijiang is still not complete. However, a 45 km portion of the road has been completed from Heqing, Dali to the Lijiang Airport to Guan Yin Valley and to Lijiang City. The total drive time is now 3.5 hours from Dali to Lijiang.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Non-smoking bar or dance club WANTED

Tommann - I was travelling so I missed your reply a few days ago. I really want to thank you for your tone and manner on this forum. I am glad we can see eye to eye on some issues and still disagree on others and still remain civil to one another. Once again, THANK YOU.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Non-smoking bar or dance club WANTED

Tomman, thanks for your question and for being respectful in your tone. Please understand, that you are making a mistake called the slippery slope. That if one thing happens then all others are sure to follow. How does reporting one driver who was obviously very rude and disrespectful to my wife and committed numerous other violations, how does one person result in - going around town reporting people for minor violations? One action does not follow the rest. If I drink one beer I will become an alcoholic and never stop drinking.

Is there any penalty so harsh... I will repeat myself again - I was not aware of how severly this guy was punished until after they already punished him.

NOw u ask me if punishment was decapitation, would I still report him so that he can be punished and decapitated. Again, you are going off the slippery slope and you still refuse to see that I was NOT aware of the severity of his punishment until after the fact. In fact, now I am aware of how a report for smoking may result in some severe penalties. I am only aware of this NOW - after the fact.

Finally, you go into the question of my duty to change a culture. Please realize that I would be guilty of this if I was the one person who created this law and then went around town enforcing this law as my sole duty and responsibility. Another member in this forum said he took a cigarette from a driver after asking to stop which he did not. My wife asked but rather then begin an altercation I chose to make a report about one driver. NOt the entire universe - just one driver.

China already has these laws in place. China made these rules - not me. China puts the signs on the buses - not me. Please help me understand how reporting one disrespectful driver makes me the Destroyer of cultures?

Perhaps you see a connection between the culture of a country and smoking. How does reporting one person make me guilty of changing culture in the sense that Britain went around the world with the notion of making the world England. I am sorry but I dont see the connection of a foreigner bent on changing the culture of a country based on this event. Is this similar to footbinding? Is this similar to female circumcision? Is this similar to forcing others to use my language? Or only use my language in their school system?

since we both have a difference in opinion, then we must rely on the reasonable response of others for self awareness.

If I asked 10 other people this question - Am I guilty of changing another culture by this this SINGLE event? What do yo think the 10 reasonable people would say? Now, if you were correct, which you are not, that I go around town correcting all the people for minor infractions, then I would probably agree with you. BUT, the fact is, I do NOT go around town doing this. How can I reply to your question about speaking Farsi? It is a hypothetical question that is NOT based on reality.

I have tried to reply to all your questions. I wonder if you will reply to my questions or will you just move on to more questions with a reply to mine.


No results found.


The new highway is nearly complete and the airport will open next year. Expect floods of people to go who never bothered to go before because of the 6-7 hour bus ride.

Can someone who is computer savvy download this movie and make it available to others please? I will gladly accept the Spanish version.

Another one bites the dust! Great, another member of the WTO, UN and USA. It is time for Laos to begin to follow all the rules set forth by the USA and UN. Got to protect the Individual Property Rights of the rich. Time to crack down on the illegal DVD vendors. No more downloading FREE music or videos. Time to roll in all the wonderful GMO crops.

If I was the owner of this website, I would also be cautious of political statements and comments made on this forum. I believe we are given much leeway on many occassions to make semi-political comments and I am grateful for being allowed to express myself freely. However, (We) the users must also recognize that this website is Not our own and we must remain respectful to the hosts who grant us the priviledge of using this forum.

The moderators and owners of this site have the right to protect their property when it comes to sensitive issues in a foreign country.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.