Forums > Living in Kunming > Non-smoking bar or dance club WANTED Tomman, thanks for your question and for being respectful in your tone. Please understand, that you are making a mistake called the slippery slope. That if one thing happens then all others are sure to follow. How does reporting one driver who was obviously very rude and disrespectful to my wife and committed numerous other violations, how does one person result in - going around town reporting people for minor violations? One action does not follow the rest. If I drink one beer I will become an alcoholic and never stop drinking.
Is there any penalty so harsh... I will repeat myself again - I was not aware of how severly this guy was punished until after they already punished him.
NOw u ask me if punishment was decapitation, would I still report him so that he can be punished and decapitated. Again, you are going off the slippery slope and you still refuse to see that I was NOT aware of the severity of his punishment until after the fact. In fact, now I am aware of how a report for smoking may result in some severe penalties. I am only aware of this NOW - after the fact.
Finally, you go into the question of my duty to change a culture. Please realize that I would be guilty of this if I was the one person who created this law and then went around town enforcing this law as my sole duty and responsibility. Another member in this forum said he took a cigarette from a driver after asking to stop which he did not. My wife asked but rather then begin an altercation I chose to make a report about one driver. NOt the entire universe - just one driver.
China already has these laws in place. China made these rules - not me. China puts the signs on the buses - not me. Please help me understand how reporting one disrespectful driver makes me the Destroyer of cultures?
Perhaps you see a connection between the culture of a country and smoking. How does reporting one person make me guilty of changing culture in the sense that Britain went around the world with the notion of making the world England. I am sorry but I dont see the connection of a foreigner bent on changing the culture of a country based on this event. Is this similar to footbinding? Is this similar to female circumcision? Is this similar to forcing others to use my language? Or only use my language in their school system?
since we both have a difference in opinion, then we must rely on the reasonable response of others for self awareness.
If I asked 10 other people this question - Am I guilty of changing another culture by this this SINGLE event? What do yo think the 10 reasonable people would say? Now, if you were correct, which you are not, that I go around town correcting all the people for minor infractions, then I would probably agree with you. BUT, the fact is, I do NOT go around town doing this. How can I reply to your question about speaking Farsi? It is a hypothetical question that is NOT based on reality.
I have tried to reply to all your questions. I wonder if you will reply to my questions or will you just move on to more questions with a reply to mine.
Monkeys menacing Qujing cornfields
Posted bySo why is the monkey in the picture eating a roasted corn? Looks like he stole it from a BBQ vendor selling roasted corn.
Kunming's metro could cost 300 billion yuan
Posted byThey would never have begun building the metro unless they knew that they will be making a profit. They do make a profit and the profit will only grow more with time.
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Chinese climbers among those murdered in Pakistan
Posted byDrones? How about the last 60+ plus years of murder and mayhem. Take your pick - Iran in 1950s, Nicaragua, Chile, Iraq 1990s, again in 2002, Afghanistan, Lybia, now Syria. The list is endless. All provoked by the USA and western allies, not in defense of anything - plain and simple - the aggressor.
Chinese climbers among those murdered in Pakistan
Posted byAll of this and more to come is a direct result of the chaos the USA is creating all over the world. The world can never have peace as long as the west continues to murder in the name of democracy. Look at how good life is here in China, a communist country.