User profile: HFCAMPO

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Forums > Living in Kunming > New law targets foreigners' illegal presence

I recently learned that some people do Enter China illegally without a visa by means of the Local borders (Not international border) between China and Laos and Vietnam. Now I realize that China not only has a problem with (1) foreigners working illegally without a work permit but also (2) people entering China without a visa and (3) staying beyond the deadline of their visa.

In the end, more rules just make things more difficult for those of us who are here legally. I was glad to see that the govt will fine the employers who hire illegal workers.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Yunnan must-see places

This time, I am staying at least two full days, maybe more.
Ok, I know it's not too long, but I wanna enjoy it at it's most.
That'll be on july 27-28th (a week end).

Aum235 - I noticed this is your second post and you are still not in Kunming.

I will be travelling in Yunnan with a friend for two weeks. I guess this means 2 days in Kunming and 2 weeks in Yunnan.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Yunnan must-see places

I recommend you go to the Black Stone Forest which is only 6 km away from the Major Stone Forest. Jianchuan in Dali is out of the way and the 1000 Lion Mountain is a great hike with plenty to see and photograph. Jianshui in Honghe has a great old town which I like very much and it is on the way to Yuan Yang. Heijing and Nuodeng are 2 old Salt towns in Chuxiong and Dali respectively. I like the history, the old buildings and many old locals to photograph.


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Great article - here is a lit of the bridges in the vicinity.

1. TENG QIAO – YUN LONG - 云龙藤桥
2. GONG GUO QIAO – YUN LONG - 云龙功果桥(昌金桥)
3. HUI MIN QIAO – BAO FENG - 宝丰惠民桥(新桥)
4. DI ZHU QIAO – BAO FENG - 宝丰砥柱桥
8. AN LAN QIAO – CHANG XIN - 长新安澜桥
9. QING YUN QIAO – SHI MEN - 石门青云桥
10. FEI LONG QIAO – JIU ZHOU - 旧州飞龙桥遗址(仅剩"望江楼"和桥墩)
11. XIN YUN QIAO – GUO LANG - 果朗新云桥
12. ZHONG ZHOU QIAO – GUO LANG - 果朗中州桥(土官桥)
13. SHI LI HE XIAO QIAO - 师里河小桥
14. CAI FENG QIAO – BAI SHI - 白石彩凤桥
15. GU QIAO – SHI JING - 师井古桥

Grave Stele of Ma Hazhi - 马哈只墓碑 - Jinning – Kunming.

This is a Historical and Cultural site of Kunming and it is located inside Zheng He Park.

Shi zhai shan Old Tombs - 石寨山古墓群 - Jinning – Kunming.

This is another historical site located not from from the park in Jinning.

Supply and demand. Go to every TCM office and confiscate all endangered species products they have in stock. Do this throughout the entire nation. Photograph and record the owner and store and let them know if they have any of these products ever again they will go to jail or get the death penalty. Problem solved. Same for ivory and other items.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.