User profile: HFCAMPO

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  • VerifiedYes

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Verification

I agree with you - Blueice, Blobbles and Tony in all that you wrote above. I also understand that this verification is NOT the end all to save all. Like you said, it is a tool. The people I do NOT trust are those who do NOT verify, not those of us who have verified as a sign of respect and support to all other users and the staff.

This is not about Trust - it is about the lack of trust. I trust those who verify and I dont trust those who do not. Transparency! Those who verify have nothing to hide. I trust some here not only because of the verification but also because of the content of previous posts and the ability to write a correct and complete sentence in english. I don't need to be the Chengguan of verification because the staff is taking care of this by themselves. As I have contacted Yereth privately, I am well aware that several Bots and spammers have been banned, and numerous idiotic threads have been locked in the last few days. So I know they are doing their part to help this forum be free of those troublemakers.

Forums > Living in Kunming > How do you think of CFA?

I merely asked a question, I did not attack you. You did not update anything, you made a comment that has nothing to you with your original post. That is why the moderator locked your thread - Who majored in Finance?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Verification

Like me - you guessed/recalled and got yourself verified. You got the job done, you took the time, and you accomplished the mission. For this reason, I trust you more then I would someone who has not verified yet. Somehow, I trust or feel safe that you are NOT using any of these aliases.

1 - ExpatGuy
Deleted without notification
2 - Fitzgerald
Deleted without Notification
3 - meismandarin
BANNED USER May 13, 2012
4 - crazy,laowai
BANNED USER June 19, 2012
5 - My3rdFakeGoKMAcct
Locked Thread

I am not a computer guru so there is much I do not know. I am just a retired jarhead who calls a spade a spade. I wonder why these people do this. Are they just bored because they are losers and have no life? Are they trying to put a virus on my computer when I reply? Are they trying to steal my identity or access my bank account? Are they people with mental disorders? I don't know. And because I do not know, I do not feel safe and I do Not trust. I remember when GoKunming was a great forum to get and share information and to develop friendships with other expats. This is no longer the case because a few bad apples have spoiled the whole bunch. Perhaps I am too sensitive or perhaps a few others feel the same way I do.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Verification

@Ouyang and TIC - Yes, you were not aware of this verification process but now that you have become aware of it you reacted immediately and completed your verification.

I am still wondering why some users still comment here but do NOT verify? What reasons would they have for not verifying? Rhetorical question.

@Dazzer - Unless people know the purpose of email verification, and are confident in the process, they won't do it casually.

I guess when you say People, you really mean Yourself as you have not verified yet.

There are spambots and there are spammers. Do you fit into either of these categories since you did not verify?

Just asking an obvious question -


No results found.


The new cards can be used on both the subway and the buses. However, the 20 Yuan deposit is NOT refundable. This is a recent scam I discovered recently when I turned in my old bus card to get the new subway + bus card. If you do not beleive me - go ask for yourself. You are charged 1 Yuan every month until the 20 Yuan deposit is depleted.

GK still has not learned to give specific information when writing articles. Where in the world is FuYuan County? It would be nice if the writers did a little research and gave the specific location of this county. Is it Wenshan? Qujing? Where?

Yunnan reopens 13 international border crossings - although the title of the article claims 13 International borders have been opened, I find it very hard to believe that they are in fact International and Not Local borders.

Recently I have seen many post regarding Myanmar with much heresay and conjecture being passed with the sole exception of Peter99 who has actually crossed the border and knows what he is talking about. Of the 13 borders mentioned above, 5 are for Myanmar. Lets see if one of those posters makes their way to one of these small borders and tries to cross into Myanmar without success.

The Hekou border in Honghe has always been opened and is certainly an International border. I have no idea why this border is mentioned as one of the 13 borders that has been RE-opened.

The Border in Mohan, Mengla, Xishuangbanna has also always been opened and is certainly an International border. Again, no idea why this border is mentioned as being RE-opened.

I caution anyone who wants to use any of the borders mentioned here to go verify the information at the appropropriate Consulate.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.