User profile: HFCAMPO

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Forums > Travel Yunnan > How to get to Shilin?

The Stone Forest is located 80 km (1.5 Hours) southwest of Kunming. The Stone Forest is Kunming's most visited scenic spot. Unfortunately, there are so many tourists here that it is difficult to enjoy or photograph. The price of admission also includes admission to the Black Stone Forest. You can take a bus from the Eastern Bus Station in Kunming to the Shi Lin Ke Yuan Zhan Bus Station located on Dong Shan Road in Shi Lin. There you can take Bus #5 that will take you directly to the main gate of the Stone Forest for 2 Yuan. TICKETS: 175 Yuan or 200 Yuan for a 1 year membership. Bring your passport or photo ID to purchase the 1 year membership. Shi Lin (Stone Forest) is one of the 4 famous forests found in Yunnan province. The other forests include Sha Lin (Sand Forest) in Qujing, Tu Lin (Soil Forest) in Chuxiong, and Re Dai Yu Lin (Tropical Rain Forest) in Xishuangbanna.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > How to get to Shilin?

1. Take a bus from the Eastern Bus Station in Kunming to the Shi Lin Ke Yuan Zhan Bus Station located on Dong Shan Road in Shi Lin. (80 KM)

2. Take Bus #5 (RED bus) from the Shi Lin Bus Station directly to the main gate of the Stone Forest for 2 Yuan. (10 KM)

TICKETS to Stone Forest are 175 Yuan. I prefer an annual ticket for 200 Yuan for a 1 year membership. Bring your passport or photo ID to purchase the 1 year membership.

The Stone Forest is Kunming's most visited scenic spot. Unfortunately, there are so many tourists here that it is difficult to enjoy or photograph. The price of admission also includes admission to the Black Stone Forest. This is the best place to go as there are very few visitors there. Black Stone Forest is 6 km from the Major Stone Forest.


Forums > Living in Kunming > Veteran

More questions from GAOXING - here is a sample of some of gaoxings previous inquiries:

1 - Anyone on here a veteran of some military branch? I am.

2 - Anyone on here ever apply to be a cadet pilot with Cathay? I applied.

3 - For those of you on here that went to college, what did you major in and what school did you attend?

4 - Does anyone know if Kunming has a matchmaking service for singles?

5 - Are Chinese women generally faithful when it comes to relationships?

6 - What would you guys do if you saw me in person?

7 - Did anyone on here ever see me at Salvador's?

8 - Do you want to meet me in person? If you saw me in person, what would you say?

9 - I think I should be the "voice" for all laowai's in Kunming. I will represent the laowai community well.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Travel Agency

Most agencies CLAIM that they are experts and know the area but I have found most have never even visited many of the places they claim to be an expert in. Most of these agencies visit the same 4-5 scenic spots (Stone Forest, etc) but know very little or nothing about other places in Yunnan.

Visit my website and get FREE information about travel in Yunnan.
Every picture you see in my website comes from my camera and I personally visited EVERY location you see in my website.

If you have any questions - feel free to call me and I will do my best to help you and answer all your questions for FREE.

Most, not all of the agencies, want money just to give you some basic information.

Good luck

Forums > Living in Kunming > Attention palease foreigners!!!about part-time salary in kunming

There is a very clear difference between having a legitimate complaint and WHINING. For all the parties who have some interest in this matter, why not just go to the place where these shows take place and find the LADY who everyone says is a LIAR. Find her, take her picture, make sure she is the same person who cheated you, be 100% sure and then post her pictures and info on this forum. However, do NOT come here and start making false accusations that injure others and dont come here and begin all this commotion and then say you don't want to hurt others. Well Beatrice, too late, seems like you hurt the wrong people when you started all this - DO the right thing.

Don't expect others to do the right thing - this is why this world is what it is now. Stop whining and do the right thing. You know who this person is - find her - take her picture and post the phone number you have.


No results found.


I have no idea where this little fellow came from. He came from under some bushes near the entrance to our apartment. Maybe someone was keeping him in a garage and he got away or he was released from fear of getting caught.

I was here in 2009. Actually the best way to get there is to go from Dali or Baoshan. When you arrive in Liuku you can take a bus to Pihe. In Pihe you can rent a minivan to take you up to the top of the hill. This will save you a lot of money because the distance from Pihe is much shorter then from Liuku.

Researchers at Southwest Jiaotong University in China are developing (as of 2010) a vactrain to reach speeds of 1,000 km/h (620 mph). They say the technology can be put into operation in 10 years.

These trains have been in use for many years in the DUMB found in the US.

I told my wife to call the police because I remember reading this article. She called the police and a few minutes later, a woman from the Rare animal protection Bureau called my wife. The police arrived and took the critter away before my neighbor got his grubby hands on it.

The woman from the Protection Bureau called again and told my wife that they would pick up the little critter the next morning from the police station.

Apparantly, someone from the police station called the protection Bureau. I was surprised my wife got the call and also surprised that she told us what she was going to do.

This is the number of the woman (LIU) from the protection Bureau who called my wife - 18082722065.

A few minutes ago I saw one of these little beasts in my residential quarter. We called the police immediately so they can come pick him up. I had a arguement with someone in my residential quarter who was trying to take him away in a bag before the police arrived.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.