Forums > Living in Kunming > 10 year visa updates? Anyone with a 10 yr visa should know that they must exit the country very 60-90-180 days. Few are so lucky as to get 180 days. So be prepared to go to Laos, Vietnam, and Hong Kong again and again. Only time will tell which is more time consuming and which is more expensive.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Torrent sires What really surprises me about this ignorant statement is that Geezer has a son who is in the Marine Corps. Is your son not entitled to reveiving a pension if he chooses or is able to complete 20 years of service? Is he taking something that is not rightfully his if he chooses to stay in and retire after 20 years?
Are all workers who work for 20-30 years not entitled to receive a pension or social security at a certain age. So factory workers, railroad workers, firemen, policemen, govt employees, company employees and all the other millions of people of who work their entire lives for a pension are all TAKING money from the USA.
I will not even bother to reply to the other ignorant comment.
As always, the same people who love to hijack threads - the topic is torrents.
Hong Kong has a very strong movie industry as does Bollywood in India, yet they are not crusading to seize and imprison those who offer free movies to others. They are not out to save the world or protect their rich friends from some poor slob cheating them of some royalties.
How does the film industry make money - by ticket sales. But since the country is bankrupt and people can not afford to go to a movie any more they must resort to watching movies online since they are living in poverty or below the poverty line.
Or they are so poor and can not find a job so they must move their entire family to China because they can not make it in the good old USA.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Torrent sires Here we go again. Live and let live.
Forums > Living in Kunming > 10 year visa updates? Most people are creatures of habit which limits their growth severely. Every time I go to HK I make it a point to use a different entry/exit point so I can know all the surrounding area and where each exit will bring me.
If you are short on cash, HK is not the place to go. Trains charge by distance, so the further you go the more you pay. Keep a lot of loose change in hand. First time I visited I was amazed at how the taxi meter moved and the fares kept rising right in front of my eyes.
Good side is there of plenty to eat anywhere and everywhere but prices are much higher than good old Kunming.
Expect to go into many (mansions) hotels to ask for rates and then walk out to look for another.
Man misses 1 billion yuan jackpot by single number
Posted byGreed - He wins 9 million but the article is about what he Could Have won. Greed never ends. I am sure the farmer will buy all he can but his children will not go to better schools. He will just build a bigger house in his village to show off. Look in a lottery store and you will see the people spend hours in there staring at the previous numbers trying to figure out the magic formula for the next winning numbers. Most people spend moe money then they wil ever win. Sick!
US, China to extend visas for short-term business travelers, tourists, and students
Posted bySo what do we call a spouse visa - residence permit - when a foreigner is married to a chinese person?
What is the diff between relative and family members?
Is a chinese wife a Relative or a Family member?
US, China to extend visas for short-term business travelers, tourists, and students
Posted bySo what exactly is the diff between a family visa and a spouse visa?
Family visit = Q2 & S2
Spouse visa = ????
Exhibition celebrates the life and photographs of Auguste François
Posted byThe MINO Art Center shares space or is one in the same with TIME Cafe. The purpose of the gallery is to sell the Photos = 50 photos for 28,000 RMB.
US, China to extend visas for short-term business travelers, tourists, and students
Posted by90 days for S2 visas and 120 days for Q2 visas.
I dont think it is a good idea as you must come and go every 120 days.
The Residence Permit allows you to stay without having to leave every so often.