Forums > Living in Kunming > who thinks we chat is for business use I remember many years ago when computers became available to common folks. Everyone jumped on the MSN bandwagon because they gave you free email service. Then came Yahoo that offered Instant Messages. So stupid people did free advertising for the rich profit making yahoo and they invited others to join yahoo. In years to follow, this process repeated many times. We have all been asked to join this or join that but amazingly, no one offered a system that can talk to other systems. In time, people had their information posted on several systems because one did not connect with another (MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, etc).
Here in China it was all about QQ. My students would tell me how their password got stolen and I never understood what that meant until I met a chinese techy guy who showed me how he can go in and steal their passwords. I made the move to QQ when yahoo was no longer allowed in China a few years back.
Now its wechat! Went to greenery cafe and they no longer gave us a menu because they told us to go to wechat and order. We insisted and got a menu. When it came time to pay the bill the waitress looked at us like we were crazy when we handed her cash - she told us to pay on wechat. Most people use a wechat number not their telephone number so when they give us their contact info they always use wechat which is useless to a person who does not want to use this crap.
In a few years, it will be a new sytem in place and everyone will make the transition again. For us old timers who have done this crap time and time again, we can see the big picture and no longer fall for this crap.
It is all about profits, that is the reality of the present. So when I see companies that offer many things for FREE, it is clear there is an agenda. The agenda is to get as many people hooked on this as possible. Went to the movie theater last month. Tickets were 80 Yuan but with wechat it was only 30. That is a huge difference and people will get wechat to save 50 yuan per ticket. No agenda there.
In the west, most people have seen how credit cards ruin lives and families. Here in China this beast is just beginning to manifest. I see more and more examples of young people up to their necks in debt because they use credit cards every day to buy junk or a single yogurt at Walmart.
Forums > Study > KCEL a profit-making school Went to KCEL (Dong Feng) the other day. What impressed me most was the very big poster on the wall that had the PSB regulations in both Chinese and English warning students that they can NOT work with a student visa. I think this is very important and all students should be aware of this as soon as they begin classes.
Side note: I think GK staff should regulate (control) all advertisements on GK (classifieds) when it comes to English schools seeking english teachers. As a requirement to put an ad here, the school should provide GK with the authority granted to them by PSB to hire foreigners.
I see many ads for english teachers here and some very clearly state they they can give you a working visa while others do not or are seeking part time work which will certainly not be able to provide a working visa.
The institutions that can not provide a visa are clearly advertising to hire illegal workers.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Police certificate of no criminal records - Contact this person and ask him how he completed this process. Read the thread as there is some good information provided.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Torch Festival - Huo Ba Jie[...]
I find the smaller events are much more enjoyable. The big Torch festival in Chuxiong (Yi) is very crowded.
I prefer the smaller events in Dali (Bai). I especially like to see the community participate in making the giant torch and all the surrounding ceremonies that are included in preparation the days prior to the event. Best one yet has been in Zhou Cheng near Dali Old Town.
Check internet for different dates for this event. This is a minority festival, not a national festival. It is also a lunar calendar festival so look for the solar equivalent this upcoming week. Fun to watch if you have not participated in one before. Still Fun even if you have seen many of them like me - Hehe! Best to go to different places to see how each is similar and different.
Do not go to the Minority Village near Dianchi Lake - ends up costing you and arm and a leg for a totally fake and overcrowded environment. Best to find a small village - Bai and Yi Torch Festivals are very different so best to try a different one every year.
Man misses 1 billion yuan jackpot by single number
Posted byI laugh at the ridiculous examples given of philanthropy. Obviously written by someone who has no idea of what is going on in the world. Rich people do not go to jail, they just pay fines. When a rich person or a company pays a fine it means they are GUILTY. When rich people kill and murder innocent people they are not called murders and go to jail, they merely pay a fine. Maybe you can google some of the many examples of rich not going to jail and only paying fines.
Man misses 1 billion yuan jackpot by single number
Posted byHistory Never stops - It is just written by the winners (rich) and history never changes. Cut social programs and give more money to the military. Ask people at random, Was Hugo Chavez and Gadaffi good or bad? Now wait to hear their response.
Can someone name one rich person who helps the less fortunate. I really am interested in hearing this answer.
Man misses 1 billion yuan jackpot by single number
Posted byMost people are Not able to make the paradigm shift and this is why the world does not change. I for one have no idea what to do with 9 billion - Insane! But my life would forever change with 1 million. Think about how many 1 Millions are in 9 Billion.
The state owned lottery builds the old people's gym equipment you find in the parks - Wow!
Just like BINGO in the USA, you keep calling the numbers until there is a winner. Rather than have one 9 billion winner you can have 10 or 50 1 million winners. People can have better lives and the state still makes a profit. But Greed prevents this from ever happening!
50 people with 1 million can change many peoples lives (family or friends) as opposed to one winner of 9 billion that only happens once in a blue moon.
Go to any poor neighborhood in the US and you will find a liquor store and a check cashing store in every corner. Go to any residential area here in Kunming and you will find a lotter store in every corner as well.
Lottery gives people False hope and it is their greed that makes them sit in the store staring at the next magical numbers for hours.
US, China to extend visas for short-term business travelers, tourists, and students
Posted byNo one is asking you to do anything.
Man misses 1 billion yuan jackpot by single number
Posted bywinning the lottery is luck - playing the lottery is Greed. As Bugs Bunny would say - What a Maroon!