User profile: HFCAMPO

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Orthodontist

Not all dentists are orthodontists but all orthodontists are dentists. You will not find any listings for orthodontists because they are all included with dentists (Healthcare). I took a few minutes to read and I found 3 recent reviews about ortho work and they clearly refer to 3 seperate dental offices that are all found in the listings.

A simple phone call to each of those offices will produce immediate results. "Does your office do braces for children?" Where are you located? General information.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Orthodontist

Orthodontist = dentist

Search bar - dentist = 3 pages of results including 2 for orthodontists as well as english speaking dentists. Many positive reviews by those who recommend specific location. Many recent threads on this topic as well.

Listings - Many dentists and orthodontists here that have been used by foreigners with positive results in the past. Many to choose from depending on where one lives + they speak english.

Forums > Living in Kunming > 10 year visa updates?

I have no idea why you keep mentioning illegal work on a spouse visa. You should direct that comment tho those who are working illegally on a spouse visa.

Forums > Living in Kunming > 10 year visa updates?

You should ask that question of those who are working with a spouse visa. Many forum members here with spouse visa who are working and some also have work visa.

Forums > Living in Kunming > 10 year visa updates?

Although HK is expensive to visit, in the long run it is the best place to do a visa run provided you can do it all in 1 day and do not have to stay in HK overnight. Even with a brand new 52 page passport, a 10 yr visa will quickly use up a new passport with visas and entry - exit stamps. Especially with those jerks at the border who open any page and put a stamp wherever they want.

I know one poor slob (single) who has a 10 yr visa with 60 day stay. He is going bankrupt from coming and going and his passport is all used up and he does not even have the visa for 2 years yet. It is very difficult to live ones life with a 60 day deadline looming over ones head all the time. Also, 60 days does not equal 60 days because of weekends and holidays and avaiability of transport (cheapest fares). A person can exit a few days shy but do not exceed your stay or there will be repurcussions. Imagine doing this with a family of 4 every 60 days. Hehe!

Also, forget about travel and leisure as this 60-90 day mandatory exit will use up all your vacation money. Hehe!

People who are trying to use the 10 yr visa as a means to live in China will soon find out this is NOT the way to go. Just wait and see how many foreigners get turned in or get caught working illegally with a 10 yr visa. Hehe!

Wait until you get to HK and they say NO or they say you must wait 5-10 days. Hehe![...]


No results found.


I laugh at the ridiculous examples given of philanthropy. Obviously written by someone who has no idea of what is going on in the world. Rich people do not go to jail, they just pay fines. When a rich person or a company pays a fine it means they are GUILTY. When rich people kill and murder innocent people they are not called murders and go to jail, they merely pay a fine. Maybe you can google some of the many examples of rich not going to jail and only paying fines.

History Never stops - It is just written by the winners (rich) and history never changes. Cut social programs and give more money to the military. Ask people at random, Was Hugo Chavez and Gadaffi good or bad? Now wait to hear their response.

Can someone name one rich person who helps the less fortunate. I really am interested in hearing this answer.

Most people are Not able to make the paradigm shift and this is why the world does not change. I for one have no idea what to do with 9 billion - Insane! But my life would forever change with 1 million. Think about how many 1 Millions are in 9 Billion.

The state owned lottery builds the old people's gym equipment you find in the parks - Wow!

Just like BINGO in the USA, you keep calling the numbers until there is a winner. Rather than have one 9 billion winner you can have 10 or 50 1 million winners. People can have better lives and the state still makes a profit. But Greed prevents this from ever happening!

50 people with 1 million can change many peoples lives (family or friends) as opposed to one winner of 9 billion that only happens once in a blue moon.

Go to any poor neighborhood in the US and you will find a liquor store and a check cashing store in every corner. Go to any residential area here in Kunming and you will find a lotter store in every corner as well.

Lottery gives people False hope and it is their greed that makes them sit in the store staring at the next magical numbers for hours.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.