KickassTorrents (KAT), has been apprehend by the US authorities and the site's domains seized.
There is the key word - seized - by the most corrupt and bankrupt (morally + financially) country in the world.
Wait till you to try to get a hotel. Not like mainland China where you can get a room for 200 RMB. Expect to pay a pretty penny for a tiny nasty room. If kids are in tow, expect to pay more. The 100 for the train will seem like nothing. Bring ATM card and plenty of cash.
God bless the USA and their love of IPR and patents.
Yes, very good - this is exactly the agenda. Complete 100% control of your life. Every time I use an ATM out of my area my account gets locked - NO money for 24-48 hours while I am travelling.
They say is for MY security - but it is to control. Withdrawls from the banks have limits - limits for your own money (50,000 RMB in 1 day) - now that is control. That is to prevent runs on banks when SHTF - it is to protect themselves.
The discount I mentioned at the theater is just a discount for anyone who uses wechat. No money required in any account. If you pay using wechat (your phone to their register - still pay cash) you get a 50 rmb discount. Now that is to get as many people hooked to further control.
Cashless society is the goal. Does anyone every answer phones any more - NO! So when you have a problem you have STOP living and go fix their problem they created.
Examples - a 5 yr old was not allowed to fly because he was on the NO-Fly list. So what should the parents do, go on vacation and let the 5 y/o fix his problems. Of course not, vacation cancelled, non refundable tickets lost for entire family. Does the govt reimburse you - NO!
A guy goes to apply for social security, finds out that he is dead - he spends more than 2 years trying to prove he is still alive.
We already know that if you owe a nickel to the IRS they will come get their money. Do they tell you as soon as they discover the problem - NO. They wait until you incur penalties and fines and you end up paying hundreds.
Owe money to the IRS, too bad, no need for court, they just go into your bank account and get with penalties and fines. If they are wrong they return your money years later but with no penalites or fines.
You are deemed a terrorist because you went to a protest - your account is frozen. No money for you until this is resolved - takes months or years - Hehe!
FBI raids, they will confiscate all you own and good luck trying to get it back After you prove you are innocent and they made a mistake.
No results found.
The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.
Season's greetings from the Kunming PSB
Posted byMy wife called today to inquire and they do not care about safety at all. Their only concern is catching the illegal vendors who do not have a license to sell. Same goes for fireworks.
I called because the public area next to my house was littered with empty cans of this crap this morning, so we called to tell them that the store was selling this stuff. They only care about illegal street vendors - nothing more. Licensed store can seel as much as they want.
Season's greetings from the Kunming PSB
Posted byThis is a big LIE - anyone caught selling or using "counterfeit" spray snow products will be investigated for legal liability and possibly held criminally responsible. This is also true for other inflammable items — such as fireworks — deemed a danger to public order.
If the govt does not get paid, then they can not sell this. The sole purpose of this is to stop anyone who does not have a license. Key word - counterfeit.
Season's greetings from the Kunming PSB
Posted byWe just called 12319 - This is a useless notice - here is the key words - PSB has forbidden all unlicensed curbside peddlers from selling feixue (飞雪) products. So this crap can be sold in stores in any quantity and people can do whatever they want with it. This is an attack on the ppor - the poor people who are trying to make a buck selling this without a license.
Season's greetings from the Kunming PSB
Posted byWhat holiday??? Christmas or Chinese New Year? Is PSB making this announcement to foreigners or to Chinese. I have seen many chinese children and a few chinese adults playing with the spray confetti but I yet to see one foreigner spraying this stuff.
Will the people who set up booths and sell fireworks also be - investigated for legal liability and possibly held criminally responsible. This is also true for other inflammable items — such as fireworks — deemed a danger to public order.
Can't wait to call 12345 when I see them.
Chinese Nic Cage epic finally to reach theaters
Posted byCan cleary recognize that portions were filmed in Tu Lin (Soil Forest) and Shi Lin (Stone Forest).