Forums > Living in Kunming > expat population in Kunming OOOOPs - Who is Roberto Duran? I am old, but not that old (48). I used to watch boxing and I knew all the boxers and their their weight class on regular television (Wide World of Sports) until cable came and provided the same services for a fee. I used to watch the Olympics every 4 years with great excitement with my father until cable came and all that ended. I used to drink water from the tap until the govt decided to give this service to a private owner who filtered the water with the same technology as was done before, except that rather than putting it into a pipe, he put it in a bottle that had to be carried into my house and he raised the price 100 times. Who can forget Roberto Duran and Sugar Ray?
Forums > Living in Kunming > expat population in Kunming I know why I left Amerika and came to China. After serving 20 years in the Marine Corps my eyes began to open and I realized how I, and the entire population in the USA has been fooled. I used to be proud of my service to my country. I met other people like me, who wanted to serve and to help until I realized I was being used for evil purposes. I have met Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Christians, Muslims, people from NGOs who were just like me - who wanted to give and to serve. But the reality is that at the lower echelons we are fooled and tricked and deceived. Yes, we serve from our hearts but what we dont realize is that our service is used to conceal the true Evil purposes of those who really control us.
It was then that I decided that I will not be a part of this group, organization, religion - call it what you will. I will not let others use my GOOD services to conceal their EVIL purposes.
Abortion, religion, gun control, deforestation, animal rights, you name it, - good people get involved because they care but they are blind and being used. Research any NGO and you will find who they are funded by - the Evil puppeteers who control us in the end.
My best friend from high school who joined the Marines with me worked aboard Air Force One for 3 years. He told me what he witnessed. Another good friend was on Embassy duty for 3 years. Just so you know, only the Marine Corps serves in all embassies around the world. An embassy is just a front for the CIA to filter in their journalist, NGOs, and spies.
As long as we sit here arguing over religion, gun control, and other topics, we remain DIVIDED and th banksters remain LAUGHING at us. All these topics DIVIDE.
I left the USA so that I can no longer be used. It is called GUILT by association. When you realize that yoour Good deeds are being used for alterior evil motives, only then will you say - in the words of Roberto Duran - NO MAS!
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Charge option in train? I have a solution - Turn off all the gadgets and put the toys away in your bag and communicate the old fashioned way with the people around you for those 24 hours. Stay in the present. See how many people in your phone really miss you and observe any withdrawl symptoms from coming off the gadgets.
Kunming to invest in public electric car fleet
Posted byMy wife is from Shandong and that is the solar capital of China. They make all sorts of solar stuff including cars. After I visited there we tried to get a solar/elec car and bring it to KMG but when we inquired here they are NOT allowed. Lets see if this chnages the rules here so we can get our own and not have to buy the only one they offer from Hangzhou.
Kunming to invest in public electric car fleet
Posted byI would certainly like to get one if possible. lets see what pans out.
Woman dies of bird flu in Yunnan's Shangri-la
Posted byThats funny, In my lifetime we just called it a cold, did not have to give it a fancy name or number or secret code.
Woman dies of bird flu in Yunnan's Shangri-la
Posted byFrom A(H5N1) to A(H5N6). Amazing how they mutate as new vaccines are developed.
Report: Rubber plantations threaten biodiversity and livelihoods
Posted byEyes Wide Shut. Entire mountainsides are cut down and burned and no one noticed. Hehe. Apathy and Greed!