User profile: j_n_burns

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming and Burma (Myanmar)

Perhaps I should have said not totalitarian. Surely they fall somewhere on the authoritarian spectrum, as do most coutries.

My point is things are changing slowly, I can get information that is subversive and in some instances technically illegal--hence the reference to porn.

China is not as bad as North Korea or Burma, you will not be deported for what you post on an internet forum. And dramatic anecdotes aside, I don't think most people feel the harsh boot of oppression on their throats on a daily basis, adn I don't think they need westerners telling them how they just need more western liberal democracy.

If that is whatr they want they are more than capable of deciding for themselves without foreigners "making waves."

And even CCTV 9 which is clearly censored and in many instances propaganda at least metioned Burma/Myanmar, I think the origianl comment that the op just had an outdated link is probably the most logical explanation. Not that the internet monitors in Beijing blocked the site.

So maybe I stated it too strongly, but my point stands, the western media is full of propaganda too, China is not as bad as we have been led to believe.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming and Burma (Myanmar)

There is less freedom of the press than in the west certainly.

But as you yourself pointed out there are many of the same problems, albeit to a lesser degree (although the U.S. is on its way there) in the hypocritical west.

I am not an apologist, but I am a guest here. I don't feel that anything demands me making waves. I think if the Chinese want to change things they will do it their own damn selves. They don't need whitey to come and tell them how bad things are. You talk to chinese they will tel you that they are aware of the same problems, outside informaiton does get into the country, which relates to my original point the great fire wall is quite porous.

As far as looking at porn or gambling, I don't really care whether you approve of such activities, but I would submit that they are more productive than trying to stir up protests.

Let the Chinese decide at what pace they should open their country and don't be so condescending as to suggest that anything short of western liberal democracy is a draconian dictatorship. I'm sure people can tell you plenty of sensational stories about people being snatched into cars in most countries in the world, including "democracies" like the U.S., Russia, India, and America's new democratic ally Iraq.

Clearly you don't really think it's that dangerous to criticize the government here do you?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming and Burma (Myanmar)

seriously, at least for english language sites, the "great firewall of China" is much exagerated. For example I can acces my favorite porn and gambling sites w/out a proxy server, and I can get plenty of foreign newpapers that are critical of China, as well as video critical of the cultural revolution on youtube. Stop believing western propaganda, this is not an authoritarian country. Of course seom subjects are blocked like f*al*n gong, or free t-bet, but it is nowhere near as bad as some believe. And flg has it coming, they are a cult.

You won't get deported for you post--bigger fish to fry. Like most countries many things may be illegal here, but as long as you don't cause any trouble you can do almost anytihg you want.


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