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Forums > Study > Converting a tourist visa to a student visa

Maude, be sure you dont wait until the last day of you tourist visa expires with issuing your student visa. The school will need like 3 weeks or so for the whole paper process. At least my school needs that kinda time, because they will send it to a police station and yada yada yada...

BUT, dont "convert" your Visa too early because then your VISA will expire sooner. I dont know how to explain... Just ask the school when the last day to issue your VISA is.

To get your Student Visa at the school, you first need to make a health check too to get a Health Certificate. It will cost you about 300-400 RMB if my memory aint mistaken.. Dont bother to make the health check in your home country, because I did that and payed A LOT for it, but when I entered China - Kunming I couldnt use it to get the Health Certificate. Nope I had to do all the tests again, and pay the freakin fee again.
I cant remember the name of the place though, but someone in here should know which one I am talking about, quite near the airport.

Your student visa for one term should cost like 400RMB. Kinda funny that if you study a whole year you still have to pay "only" 400RMB... I have checked several schools about this and they all have the same way of paying for the VISA. Although, if you sign up for one term, and then want to study one more, you have to pay 400+400. Kinda f*cked up I must say.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Indoor climbing walls...

Hi, me and my pal have had like a mission for almost a year now to find an indoor climbing wall in KM.
Recently I heard about one near the railroad somewhere near Yunnan Normal Univ. But the guy who told me went back to France before giving me a proper map...

Anyone with a clue where I can find this wall or another one would be highly appreciated. =)

Forums > Living in Kunming > Cinema in KM with no dubbed movies?

thanx a lot guys/girls.

and to you onceagain: I have pretty good knowledge in downloading but once in a while I like to see the movies in a theater.

And even if you get the movies from the internet you still get to wait for a "long" time before you can get a proper dvdrip. If you want the newer movies there are mostly cams/TS versions out there, and thats pretty crappy quality if you compare to "the real thing".

Forums > Living in Kunming > Wanted: faceshop products.

why dont you just take a bus or taxi to "jin ma bi ji fan", well I think thats the right name of it. There you have Parkson and like a big square with loads of stores and face shop s-h-i-t.
Next to the entrance of Parkson in that area there is one of those shops.

Or, you can buy online at, for much less expense. Taobao is like a huge online market in China. My Chinese friends always buy their stuff from there. And no it aint MY site so its not like a freakin ad or promotion for that site, Chris :P


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