I will continue to observe gokunming's weather forecast (forwarded from wherever) and know that it sometimes will get or has got cold somewhere in Time. Fortunately, this is Kunming, I no longer have to live according to a schedule (Salvador's closes at 11PM, I remember that), and so it's all rarely much of an issue...
So it was originally forecast to be 4C at 4AM this morning, whether that happened or not; or it's forecast to go down to 4C before midnight tonight; or before sunrise tomorrow? If it's the first, it doesn't really help anybody now, does it? If it's the second, then I guess I better carry my down jacket; if the third, I'll perhaps just come home early.
Curious about gokunming's weather forecasts - right now I read "11AM, 11C", plus humidity etc. All right, but the other numbers for temperature are 15C and 4C - do these represent previous temperatures between midnight and 11AM (i.e. that it went down to 4C this morning, after midnight last night), or predictions (i.e., that it will go up to 15C between now and midnight tonight and down to 4C before midnight tonight? I'm always confused, because the coldest hour is usually around 4AM.
Now THAT is a great idea for a long trip - congratulations!
My understanding is that Xiong Brothers bike shop is a good place, but I'm not really the one to ask.
Someday the whole world will consist of cities attached to airports through which people wearing breathing devices will be shuttled on work/leisure schedules designed according to computerized efficiency programs created by bureaucrats paid competitively according to numbers of people moved on schedule.
Anyway, note the ecological damage of airports in general, and also of the whole Go West campaign over the years - 'development' can be fine, but it's a term with an irresponsibly vague definition.
I'm not a health foody but the few meals I've had here have been really good and, yeah, I'll be happy to go back alone to sample all the rest of them. It's also not a bad place from which to people-watch the street below.
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Beijing approves massive Changshui International Airport expansion
Posted bySomeday the whole world will consist of cities attached to airports through which people wearing breathing devices will be shuttled on work/leisure schedules designed according to computerized efficiency programs created by bureaucrats paid competitively according to numbers of people moved on schedule.
Beijing approves massive Changshui International Airport expansion
Posted byI hate airports.
Anyway, note the ecological damage of airports in general, and also of the whole Go West campaign over the years - 'development' can be fine, but it's a term with an irresponsibly vague definition.
Summiting Yunnan's majestic Haba Snow Mountain
Posted byEspecially 7 days into a 2-week trek.
Summiting Yunnan's majestic Haba Snow Mountain
Posted byThat's by, no pun intended - you can't buy new feet.
Summiting Yunnan's majestic Haba Snow Mountain
Posted byI would never walk anywhere far in the mountains in anybody's boots but my own, well broken in buy my own feet.