Ah human ignorance and stupidity is still among us when it comes to defining what heath is (from a latin word meaning -whole) and how to treat health/medical problems . In Canada one has to have a minimum of two years of post secondary education before enrolling into a TCM program. A TCM program can then take from 3-5 years depending on what you want to practice. You are also required to take continueing education in medical/health related courses every 1-2 years. On of the mis conception is the wording TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE. This is a term that is post communist. TCM is the merging of traditional health practice with western medicine/research.
Anatomy, physiology, aetiology, pathology is part of the education. As is western drug interaction and western drug interaction with herbs. Western medical differential diagnosis is linked with TCM differential diagnosis.
If i may relate just one story. One day a client/patient asked if there was any thing that could be done for her sister who was pregnant and was scheduled for a C- section. Yes, there could be something done. Arriving at the hospital with the surgeon present who was going to perform the C- section acupuncture/moxabustion was performed. The soon to be child's position was reversed and labour induced- and the mother had a 'natural birth'. After wards the surgeon said the following: 'Well now I have heard of this acupuncture stuff and I must say that was very impressive. But- I never want to see it again- you have just cost me xthousands of dollars'.
News flash; Western medical research has spent millions of dollars- their finding- food is good for you.
News flash- Western medical research spends milllions of dollars- their findings- clean water is good for you.
News flash; Western medical research has spent millions of dollars- their findings- clean air is good for you.
News flash; Western medical research spends millions of dollars- their findings- exercise is good for you.
News flash; Western medical research spend s millions of dollars- their findings- eating too much food is bad for you, eating to much 'junk' 'fast' food is not condusive for a healthy body and can led to things like obesity, diabeties, heart problem, breathing problems- the list goes on.
TCM teaching which is hundreds/ thousands of years old which has all been recorded- observations, treatments that worked or didn't work etc., ( western science approach), life styles that lead to dis-ease/ill-ness all recorded, teaches us; eat good healthy food in moderation, eat 2/3 full, drink clean water, maintain a degree of physical activity, stay away from alcohol, smoke nothing, maintain your health and do not wait for something to occur. TCM teaches us that we are a part of our collective environment. To maintain a state of good heath- mind/body there are certain things we must do and if things go off line there are a number of ways to address issues which include western medicine- but neither western or eastern medicine have all the answers to this increasingly complex modern word. Working together perhaps we can resolve some majour issues.
We humans in our ignorance and stupidity continue to shit in our collective nest, piss in our drinking water, pollute the air we breath, create an environment of stress and anxiety, kill our neighbour because they have something we want and they will not give it to us; and we wait and pray that modern science will save us from our ignorance. Be careful that 'modern' science has not become your 'NEW GOD'.