Cheapest hostel which writes registration form?
Which is the cheapest hostel in Kunming that can write a registration form of temporary residence at check-in?
If possible please answer quickly because I have to go to the PSB today.
Cheapest hostel which writes registration form?
Which is the cheapest hostel in Kunming that can write a registration form of temporary residence at check-in?
If possible please answer quickly because I have to go to the PSB today.
How to extend a visa in Shenzhen, Kunming or elsewhere.
I want to visit Kunming. Today I am in Shenzhen. I have some questions about extending a visa here.
I have a double entry tourist visa in my passport (it is a Western European passport).
I have already used the first entry of my visa. (I crossed the border to Hong Kong and came back to Shenzhen to activate the second entry of the visa).
Now, I want to extend the second entry of the visa if possible.
1. Should I do it in Shenzhen or would it be better in a smaller city?
2. Can I just go to a hostel and ask them to sign me in and hand me a registration form of temporary residence (the pink form)?
3. I should be staying at the hostel/hotel the same night as I apply for the extension, right? (Not the day before).
4. How many days will the PSB likely extend the visa? 14, 30 or another number of days?
5. How many times can I extend the visa?
6. When is the best time to apply for an extension at the Public Security Bureau (PSB)? 10 days before expiry of the old visa? 5 days before? Or some other number of days?
7. Will they give me back the extended visa the same day? Someone said that the extension voids the old visa. So then it would make sense to wait for as long as possible before applying for an extension. But if it takes a couple of days to get the extension I would need to know that in advance. E. g. if it takes 7 days to receive the extension (or if it's issued on the same day).
How to calculate length of stay (30 days) exit day for tourist visa
Hi there,
I have a European passport and a double entry tourist visa (L). The duration of stay for each entry should be 30 days (without extensions).
I entered "China" on the 11th of April 2017.
April has 30 days.
According to one source the days start ticking on the day AFTER entry. Not sure if that is correct or not.
When I count 30 days I end up on 11th May. Is this the day on which I should exit "China"?
Please answer if you know how this works. One day too many or too few can make a lot of difference, especially if I would overstay.
Hi Michael,
I am interested in this part of your reply (see below).
Now, I do have a double entry tourist visa currently and I have some questions pertaining to it.
a) Will I be able to cross the border at Dong Xing/Mong Cai to activate the second part of my double entry visa? Vietnam has this 14-day visa free entrance policy, but there has to be 30 days in between the visits. Simultaneously the Chinese visa requires crossing the border every 30 days. So the margins are tight. In a scenario where the Dong Xing border control would let me exit "China" while the border control at Mong Cai would not let me enter, would I risk getting stuck at the border? I. e. is it necessary to actually enter "Vietnam" to be able to get back to "China" or is exiting "China" enough? Is it possible to just exit and then entering again immediately afterwards?
b) What exactly do you mean by resetting the visa clock? Visas are required to obtain beforehand at the embassies/consulates and cannot be obtained at the border, right? Although wikitravel claims it might be possible to apply for a visa directly at the Shenzhen Luoho border.
3. How are the days counted? I know the visa is valid for 30 days only and I entered on the 11th of April. Does that mean I need to leave "China" on the 10th of May or would it be the 9th of May or something else?
Your quote:
"Very bluntly - as long as you're not trying to stay and work here under the radar - and you don't mind traveling - it's quite easy to cross into Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, etc via the land crossings, and return the next day (sometimes same day) - which resets the visa clock."
Another quote:
"If you're a frequent border crosser on a multiple re-entry tourist visa - eventually you will attract the attention of the border patrol and questions will be asked. It's roulette."
Happened to me on the first time I crossed the border. No biggie. I don't drink or smoke, I'm a hobby cyclist/swimmer so there is nothing in the bags for them to complain about really. Oh, they asked a few questions too, but I was not impressed.
Hi Michael,
How are you?
Are you sure the tourist visa can be extended three times?
Several sources have claimed it can only be extended one time.
Do you have an American passport?
Maybe the visa deal with the American nations are more advantageous than with the European counterparts?
Or is it in fact possible to extend the tourist visa three times?
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