User profile: SmurfyPants

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Forums > Living in Kunming > StudyPlace in the time of cholera?

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is more suitable for the subsection "study" or "living in Kunming". But I guess since this is not directly related to things like questions concerning administrative issues in universities etc., maybe it's more appropriate under here. But feel free to remove if this is against the rules.

Basically I'm looking for a place to study/write my paper. All the libraries are closed "until further notice", and even the cafés are closed as of today. I know I should be able to study in my place but I live in a really loud apartment (imagine having a 3-year-old following you 24/7, plus I'm just a snowflake who can "only study when it's quiet and without people moving/making noises before my eyes all the time). I have active noise cancelling headphones but they don't really block out the noise/chatter, let alone the constant movements.

I was wondering if y'all know of any such place that is quiet and has wifi (and maybe is warm-ish) and is open these days? I know I sound like I'm a spoiled millennial but dissertation season is stressful and frustrating.

Any advice welcome! Thanks in advance!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Dog Friendly Parks?

Thank you for the info! I'll look into Jiaoye Gongyuan. Needing a car could a pain, but it's nice to know there's a place for dogs to play with other dogs.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Dog Friendly Parks?

I've been told off at the gates of multiple parks before, even so at the edge of one open park near Xichang Road. I guess I just don't have a security-friendly face, haha. But I did not know worked without VPN, wow

Forums > Living in Kunming > Recieving packages from US

@dr.JK & @michael2015
I've received FedEx and DHL document envelopes, and one amazon

package (no books contained). Don't know what exactly is happening this time. I'll try my luck at the IPO some time next week.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Recieving packages from US


I do have a Kindle 3G connected to a US Amazon account although for me it's easier to obtain PDF copies (textbooks, papers etc.) than the mobi versions and PDFs don't work so well with the Kindle 3G.

I'm just buying some flash cards this time. Don't know if they'll survive the customs.


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