Forums > Study > Studying Mandarin in Chenggong I don't know specifically about the school you are talking about, but I've been teaching English in China for ten years, three of which I was also studying Mandarin at Universities.
I can tell you that ALL language education in China is poor and that practices tend to be 10 - 20 years behind the times.
There was student in one of my Chinese classes who had a master's degree in education and was certified to teach ESL who agreed with me.
We are all better off lowering our expectations.
Forums > Study > Tibetan language schools in Yunnan? The Southwest Uni for Nationalities in Chengdu has a Tibetan language program, but since there are so few students and thus the student / teacher ratio will always be small, it ends up being very expensive. The classes are often one-on-one, or maybe a handful of students. I don't really know but my impression is that it's one of the better Tibetan programs in China.
Forums > Study > Cheap mandarin schools outside Yunnan! I've studied and two different Universities in Chengdu. The first was at Sichuan Normal University, which I didn't like too much, and them move on to the Southwest University for Nationalities, which was much better.
The former cost about 8000 the first semester and 7200 thereafter for 4 forty minute class a day five days a week.
The latter was 6000 a semester for 4 forty minute classes 4 days a week.
Forums > Study > Chinese Schools in Dali, Kunming, and Lijiang Hello friends,
I'm planning on moving to one of the above cities and registering for classes, mostly for the student visa.
I'm in Chengdu at the moment and the laws here in this area are different.
I would appreciate any information or insights anyone could give me on this topic.
Some specific things I would like to know about are, of course, which schools are good and which are shit, what about teaching English part-time on a student visa, and how strict or lax do the schools tend to be in regard to class attendance.
I plan on getting my own place eventually but I thought it might make the move easier to use the housing offered by the school for the first semester, so if you know anything about the housing offered by various schools, please pass that on as well