User profile: MrHiggins

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Forums > Living in Kunming > New Requirements for Foreign Expert Certificate

Hi Tonyaod,

My colleague was forwarded the email form head office. Attached was the document in PDF form, 3 pages long, from the government office in Chinese with an underlying English translation.

I posted here only for those people who are heading back to their home countries during Chinese New Year, like me, and can choose to deal with the embassies then, instead of being surprised with this information later on when returning home might not be as convenient.

I registered as a user to say this in the hope of helping, not rumour mongering. Sorry if it looks like anything other. If it was left to my colleague this information may not have got any further than the office.

I'll be going back to Australia to visit family but will see what I can get done about these documents while I have the chance.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New Requirements for Foreign Expert Certificate

Just to update everyone about the new requirements for the Foreign Expert Certificates.

These requirements were valid country wide as of December 9th 2015 and were forwarded to me by a colleague this morning.

As follows:

The Yunnan Foreign Expert Bureau now requires all foreign teachers academic degrees to be authenticated by Chinese embassies in their home countries. This applies for the renewal of permits expiring this year for those teachers already in China. As well as authentication of the degrees the bureau also requires authentication of TEFL degrees as well as translation of degrees, transcripts and TEFL certificates. This process can only be carried out at the Chinese embassy of your home country.

I write for those of us who may be heading home for the New Year Break and so can get the necessary work done then.

The notice then went on to state (what we already suspected) that nationals who teach English must hold the nationality of an English speaking country. The exception being those who come from non English speaking countries but have a Masters degree from a university in an English speaking country.

Overseas Chinese who were born in China but hold the passport of another nation will no longer be eligible for FEC in the education sector.

Thought it may be useful to know or prepare for.

This may be in line with the national immigration computer system they are planning to roll out.


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