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Forums > Living in Kunming > "Lying" in China, An Opinion

Assuming this is more focused on business relationships than personal, although the two are remarkably similar, the quote is an interesting, but rather limited socio-economic stereotype on an extraordinarily diverse and complicated society.

In my personal opinion based on limited personal experience and hence limited sampling sizes across limited locales, lying is used by the uneducated and uncultured and is akin to upselling - an attempt to enhance something inferior, for personal benefit or gain, often at the expense of the unsuspecting, gullible, or trusting victim.

On the other side of the spectrum - the wealthier, more powerful, affluent, etc. lying is used to deceive, in an attempt to hide or downplay one's true strength, power, or resources. Sometimes is just false or faux humility, as demanded by Confucian, Dao, and Buddhist precepts. It is a form of self defense and self-preservation. Lying is also a form of bluff.

In a populous nation of upsellers trying to access resources - lying, deception, or upselling becomes the norm when interacting with potential resources, hence the logic for guanxi based professional relationships. Guanxi, in my personal experience, is either abused for high risk win-lose propositions, or is effectively used for potential win-win relationships, based on trust.

It's just an opinion, based on very limited personal experiences and observations and I'm not making a judgmental (hopefully not) statement - it's the apparent pervasive and persistent status quo and is something that needs to be managed, if one wishes to do business in China - or any developing nation with similarly evolving and developing characteristics.

In the west, I've personally witnessed major western multinational corporations exhibit design fraud, accounting fraud, contract fraud, using their brands to peddle their ilk.

So fraud and lying is merely a perception and a reality that must be identified (quickly), managed, and controlled to minimize the risk of victimization (for all stakeholders).

It's not the lie which we must manage, it's the intent, as the intent is the root cause. And intent is difficult to root out.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Metro is online in Kunming

I'm using Safari and Firefox. No problems and all items have prices and the occasional "pick up only" banners for non-deliverables, such as huge plastic storage boxes and perishables.

Metro delivers most non-perishable things (except where noted, such as large boxes). First 1kg is ¥12. Each successive kg is ¥2, which isn't too bad, if you don't have access to a car or e-bike, or are just lazy, like me.

I'll update this post later, to verify Metro actually delivers, as advertised.

Also - you'll need access to Unionpay (they have an English site link in there somewhere) or your own online USB banking dongles. You can also pay with Alipay.

Registering requires your passport #. You'll have to prefix your passport number with leading zeros (e.g. 000xxx) in order to hit the 18 digits in standard Chinese ID cards.

You'll also need to provide your mobile number, so they can send you verification code numbers (6 digit SMS).

Metro is typically more premium than online (if you know how to shop) and shopping in person - but you have the added confidence (maybe) that products you buy are genuine, perhaps akin to

We compared baby formula prices for a single product that we use, and for a 24 pack of 500ml sodas, and the cost is the same as picking up from our neighborhood baby formula store and ordering online. The shipping fees are moderate.

Our baby products store delivers gratis, so we'll stick with them, at least for formula. We buy baby wet wipes and diapers online, as they're heavy and or cumbersome.

Hopefully this info is useful to those who find tmall, taobao,, et al complicated, because of the language issue(s).

Oh, don't forget to "set your default store" to the Kunming Beichen branch.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Kids and Kunming

Lake Dianchi - walk around the lake, blow bubbles, maybe take a boat ride (but do NOT touch the water). Nearby is the Hongta Sports Center (?) - but you'll need a car, bus schedules, or know how to call taxis or better still - the uber-china drivers (better service, less spitting, hacking, and smoking, not to mention courtesy).

Green Lake inside - eat at The Park in the center of the Green Lake Park - some amusement rides and games (I think) like bumper cars (but maybe NOT for unaccompanied minors).

The prolific movie theaters with kiddie focused movies.

OUTSIDE Kunming - there's a difficult to find international youth hostel - and nearby is a large park with lots of kiddie things to do - more blowing bubbles.

Wild animal park on the NE edge of kunming.

Kunming Zoo. Despite the detractors - it's inexpensive enough for many rural people to visit, has a rather expansive amusement park in the center of the park (on top of the hill) and there's a MacDonalds inside. Yes the people are grubby - but they're not well trained in the art of litter management, spitting, hacking, smoking, and personal space invasion. Adults from western developed countries will be appalled - but the kids probably won't notice if this is their first visit to the zoo...and any other zoo in any other developed country will be a major improvement for your next zoo visit.

FuXian Lake - beautiful clean water lake - kids can wade - but be vigilant! Sea food, Hilton Hotel nearby if money's not an issue, for their lunch buffet.

You can also pick up some inexpensive kites and go fly at the larger parks - just be prepared for kite-eating trees and overhead power lines - trees not so much as the cold snap radically pruned many of them.

Finally - for the ultra low-budget - any of the major shopping malls - there are abundant toy stores - some even have samples that kids can demo - just make sure they don't try to ingest product.


No results found.


I was thinking that gokm could maybe get the Kunming Tourism Dept and the KM Metro et al to pay for a professionally illustrated bilingual PDF map and maybe start a series of web articles and videos on things to do and see (and eat) at each station - aside from the major tourism venues.

NHK (Japan) did this about 20 years ago - very popular and interesting series - inspires people to get out, socialize (when it's safe) and support local businesses...or not.

The referenced map was an ANCIENT planning map...hence the hint hint hint hint to the gokm staff - when they have budget and absolutely nothing better to do with their time...

Yereth's map is great as a geographic index - but most high density subway maps (Beijing, Tokyo) go for the symbolic stations shown in the ancient picture I referenced. These things are great as either screensavers, desktop wallpapers, or mobile phone pictures (screensavers, wallpapers) for those who commute within the bellies of these steel dragons.

I used to carry around subway maps on small plastic cards (doubled as my prepaid card) when exploring these cities. Each station had uniquely popular venues for both tourists and long-term locals alike (popular eateries, shopping boutiques, etc).



Took the family here to stroll around and there's a LOT of walking. Many of the stores appear closed, but the bar street nestled inside seems quite well populated.

We chose the Japanese restaurant near the entrance (there are many entrances). The food and service was quite acceptable - from the fruit salad, tuna salad, curry pork cutlet, and the ubiquitous California Sush Rolls (you can buy the small size or the large size).

It rained a little while we were there, which helped drench the heat and humidity. When the sun came out - it was HOT.

If you're lucky, you'll occasionally see people (usually women) wearing minority clothing being photographed by professional photographers. There's also a small photographer's store where you can rent various ethnic clothing and have professional pictures taken (maybe the two are that I think about it).

There's also the ubiquitous game centers (shooting galleries etc) for the kids and unaccompanied teenagers.

It seems the most popular venues were the prolific food courts - but that's probably related to it being lunchtime when we visited. The place is clean and plenty of antiqued door fronts (the wood panels) for those photo shoots.

Capping off the visit, one must of course take pictures on the bridges crossing the lily ponds and the landmark temple spire. We didn't make it to the surrounding temples. Maybe next time.

Transportation is everywhere - but make sure you have your mobile phone ride share app working, just in case you hit rush hour.

Again - for now - it seems many vendors were closed - but I'm positive that'll change again as the economy begins to rebound.

Excellent way to spend a half day as opposed to the kids faces glued to their mobile devices...fresh air, good food, plenty of people watching, and walking...walking...walking...


Took the family here a few days ago. Wonderful place to go walking with lots of snack & drink kiosks (along with chairs and tables) to rest frequently. This zoo is similar to most other large open air zoos with reasonably spacious enclosures. This place is HUGE so be prepared for a LOT of walking. Consider wearing sensible hiking or walking shoes. Your feet will be grateful.

Entrance fees when we went still cny100 for adults and kids cny70. Feeding the animals at the managed venues - cny30 per site...per child. Monkeys can be fed by tossing carrots and sliced apples into their enclosure - which is good. Monkeys famous for flash mobbing. Can be terrifying for kids (and adults). Even in the enclosures, you can clearly see they're territorial and aggressive. Bullying is displayed frequently enough for teaching moments for the kids (cuz there are monkeys in all schools everywhere in the world).

MOST people bring their own food and drink, as the kiosks are quite expensive. Example a cny5 drink outside is cny10 in the zoo, so expect most everything to be twice as expensive. I had a bbq chick drumstick (leg?) for cny25...ouch.

Bring carrots. LOTS of carrots. The zoo has several managed (paid) and unmanaged petting areas for most semi-domesticated animals, such as the Alpacas (seriously cute), deer, giraffes ( can feed the giraffes on an elevated platform, but probably difficult to "pat" the animals. It's kind of spectacular to actually see giraffes face to face - these animals are simply vertigo inducing huge and tall.

The seal show was nice - typical of seal shows everywhere. Seals are kind of like the dogs of the sea. Friendly and ravenous appetites so easily trainable.

Lots of cheap touristy souvenirs to buy the for the kiddies (and relatives kids).

HIGHLY recommend taking the bus tour - they basically zoom around picking up and dropping off customers (they check your e-ticket at every pickup site) at entrances and exits to walking enclosures. They'll drop you off at roughly 15 minute walking sites. NO need to rush and you can grab ANY bus upon emerging from the walking enclosure sites.

Of course, the ultimate attraction always the lion and tiger exhibits at the top of the mountain.

Bring a fan. It gets hot. We were fortunate as the sky was mostly overcast so the temperature was generally cool, but heated up almost instantly whenever the sun peeked out of the clouds.

Bring LOTS of water. Most veteran tourists have their own liter bottles of water. Bring your own umbrella. When the sun comes out - it's HOT. Bring a wide brimmed hat if you're into comfort over vanity. SUNTAN LOTION never goes astray.

Aside from that - typical Chinese group site with everyone rushing the buses and ticket counters. Not so much rushing for the food venues, so seems the elevated prices keep that comfortably in check.

All in all - GREAT place to take the kiddies (or a date if you both know you're into each other - cuz you'll be spending an entire day together). The Outdoor Zoo seems exceptionally well designed with plenty of both managed and unmanaged (eg walking deer along the roadside and the stroll through the peacock "garden").

Easy cab or shared ride out and back. Taxis aplenty when you're ready to leave (just walk past the parking lot gate - they'll be waiting for you). You should consider dining out or delivery at the end of the day.


Took the kiddies here again.

1. It's FREE.
2. NO knives, lighters, sharp objects, etc. There's a place in front to check bags, luggage (if you're traveling), etc - but the exit is in the rear of the monolithic building, so it's a bit of a hike to walk back around to the checked storage area (it's also FREE).

We went straight to the third floor - History and artifacts of Yunnan (mostly). Rich history - lots of original sculptures etc removed from grottoes and displayed in the museum. Lots of English language titles and occasionally some explanatory text in English.

This is the evolution floor with lots of petrified artifacts - sea life mostly, lots of recreations of animals and environments from pre-man times.

There are coffee shops and dining areas on the first floor and drink vending machines on the second and third floors. The place is HUGE so a great place to take the kiddies and walk around until they're tired. They'll probably enjoy the dinosaur exhibit on the second floor the most. Wait a few minutes and the dinosaurs will roar and move their heads and maybe pretend to chew (open and close their maws).

PLENTY of parking and unfortunately NOT close to any subway station, so you'll have to grab a cab or rideshare but seems taxis and transportation are aplenty in the city and surrounding environs.'s FREE for now. Museum closes at 5pm so make sure you leave by 430-445 so you can hike back to the storage area if you checked anything in as they also close at 5pm.



This is a great place to walk around and generally kill time while shopping for nothing in particular. Nearby is the Paulaner Brewhouse for super fantastic food, coffee and drinks, outdoor patio dining or just hanging and people watching.



Just popped in for the annual to biennial visa health check. Cost was CNY 487 - don't forget to bring at least THREE (3) visa pictures and your mask.

As usual, there are TWO health codes to display - the usual kunming/yunnan green QR code and the green "Arrow" code.

I went late in the morning, but still managed to shuttle through all the departments and get out before lunch.

I used didi to get there and the map now correctly shows the rear parking entrance as the destination drop-off point. You can also take the subway to a nearby station, and walk walk walk walk walk - it's actually not too far but it will elevate your blood pressure and pulse (BPP) - so make sure to rest 5-10 minutes to allow your BPP to drop back to resting state.

Upon arrival at the main gate, you'll do the usual check-in procedure - mask, sign-in, green QR code, temperature check.

Once inside - Present your passport, green QR code, and green (hopefully) arrow code. Scan the QR codes on your left as you walk in if you don't have these prepared already. The staff will then pass you an application form. Walk over to the wall of stand-up desks to your right, fill out the forms, then stroll over to the clerks to present the form. They'll print out a sheet of bar coded labels for your tests, take your digital picture, attach everything together with a paper clip, then direct you to the cashier to pay CNY 487 (WeChat, alipay, bank card, etc) Don't know if they still accept cash.

Hike up the the 2nd or 3rd floor to start the battery of tests:

3rd floor

Chest X-ray

Physical (height, weight, BMI/body mass index)

2nd floor



Urine test

Blood Test

Eye test (color blindness and eye chart)


Heart (pulse, blood pressure)

I may have missed a few like the OB GYN...

It seems they also have a COVID/NAT (nucleic acid test) center in a shipping container lab outside the health center - but I didn't bother jogging over to check if it was still operational. In retrospect, should've checked, as the hospitals are jam packed with Chinese New Year travelers.

The test results are ready the afternoon of the second day. The facility seems sparsely busy even though they service both foreigners and nationals. There were rarely lines or noticeable waits beyond a few minutes, with at most 1-2 people ahead of you.

Staff are always nice, polite, professional and tirelessly patient for those of us with limited to no communications abilities.