My professional experience is commercial, military, and academic - primarily with US, Japanese, Chinese, and US subsidiaries in the UK working mostly at Chief Engineer or C-level. From a management perspective - I've seen massive fraud, widespread professional plagiarism (copying other company's implementation documentation and trying to present it as original engineering work), pervasive and persistent contract fraud, design fraud, project fraud - the list is endless (aka what is WRONG with this world?). I ALWAYS have to prepare for staff meetings with subordinates in advance - as they've also engaged in fraud, criminal activity (embezzling, misuse of government resources), and just plain outright bold-faced lies. So I'm exceptionally pessimistic regarding processes that involve people. Trust is an exceedingly rare thing for me, professionally.
Certain physical phenomena occur within limited "bands" of conditions - example snow or rain will form within a limited spectrum of temperature, pressure (altitude), and humidity.
As an example - assume snow only forms between 0-10C - then expand your graph to include -10 to +20C. However you also limit your simulations or lab measurements to the 0-10C band.
Viola - you have random data within the 0-10C band, with occasional data points outside due to experimental errors, drift, etc et viola - your random data is now essentially banded - has an upper and lower limit, and you may now proceed with applying curve fitting algorithms to random data.
Statistics and accounting are commonly known "inside the profession" as "lying with numbers". The buzzword for this today is Decision-based data - cherry-picking data to support a biased, pre-disposed position.
Data-based decisions are not always correct and decision-based data is rather moot, but this is the illusion of the US MBA management philosophy and it's spread into government, academia, and is prolific in industry.
But - at the end of the day - it's still just my personal opinion, based on multiple severely polluted professional careers, within narrow spectrums of domestic and multinational corporations, government interactions (to include SOEs), etc.
Your milage may vary (YMMV).
Protests challenge Myanmar's Belt and Road participation
Posted byNice signs - so obviously sponsored and incited by cursed foreign NGOs with no responsibilities to the actual people of Myanmar. Hydropower provides a source of sustainable renewable energy. Energy is one of the core pillars of all sustainable economies.
No economy - no development - poverty, healthcare, education.
EGO Brewery latest entrant into Kunming's craft beer scene
Posted byInteresting. Inspired to go visit...
Public Notice: A message from the Kunming Public Security Bureau
Posted byFantastic notification! Thank you Gokm and PSB! Hopefully, we'll never have to deal with this - but it's good to have the phone numbers just in case!
Yunnan gets ok to grow weed to feed rising cannabis need
Posted bySeriously? And I suppose the soldiers can smoke pieces of their uniforms in times of need? Amazing...
Interview: Co-founding a Kunming institution with Colin Flahive
Posted bySeriously great article on a group of seriously great human beings - treating people with dignity and respect. Company HR and executives could learn a lot from doing case-studies on the Salvador's journey on how to treat people with dignity and respect - while also being moderately profitable.
Now you all know how companies can afford to pay executives and board members those ludicrous salaries and bonuses. They treat staff as disposable commodities as opposed to human beings and or family, creating an environment of zero if not negative corporate and or brand loyalty.