I can read French poorly - but I have no clue what I'm reading.
China may have "gone off the rails" for you - but during that time of "going off the rails", it sustainably eliminated poverty for over 800 million citizens, with roughly half the GDP of the entire USA - for which it was recognized and lauded by the UN.
That feat is worthy of being called the 8th wonder of the world - as it's never ever been done before in the recorded history of the world.
Most westerners and quite a few domestic Chinese gripe about the freedoms observed and enjoyed in more open societies - but they don't have that massive burden of responsibility for 1.4 billion people.
In fact - the world should be ecstatic that China controls it's population. Can you imagine 1 million Chinese uber/lfty drivers in any country in the world - that's true asphalt terrorism.
Or constantly, consistently, and persistently flooding markets with whatever's trendy today - fly-by-night Starbucks knockoffs - 10 per city block - saturating the market until everybody goes bankrupt?
The examples are plentiful.
The system isn't great - but it's not there for entertainment or to make people feel good.
If you're REALLY interested in China affairs and trying to understand this country and its development philosophy - try reading any of the national five year plans - they even publish them in English. ndrc.gov.cn
They are some of the finest and most professional project management documents I've ever seen, worthy of being called "world class".
The western media typically and traditionally ridicules these plans, but that merely shows their extreme ignorance of the scientific method of world-class project management processes and the intended purpose(s) of these specific documents.
Has ANY ambassador or consulate general EVER read China's Five Year Plan? That will show you the maturity and intent of that country's key in-country representatives.
GoKunming search and you will find
Posted byOh thank g*d. We've been asking for this feature for donkey years...Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you....
Yunnan choreographer Yang Liping gracefully weathers online storm
Posted byWhat an exceedingly and rude insensitive thing to say to someone.
As for Yang Liping and her protege - I've had the good fortune to see both of these artists perform. The entire choreographed show is a memorable feast for the eyes and ears.
Snapshot: Best of Kunming Awards 2019-2020
Posted byThank you as usual for a great article - especially the bit on Smalls Paradise Swing Dance. Definitely drag the wifey there for date nite.
Wagga Wagga controversy: welcome back
Posted byI was surprised to see the attempted severance of ties - truly a slap in the face, so glad to see common sense has returned - although this kind of behavior perhaps is regrettably indicative of a dark undercurrent within Australian society.
Forest fires ignite across Yunnan
Posted byIt's exceedingly rare that burning incense would spark any kind of fire - however the habit of burning paper money aka ghost money (and related accessories for the deceased, ghost clothes, ghost houses, ghost cars, ghost mobile phones etc ad infinitum) - now THAT has an exceedingly high probability of starting fires. And then there's the fireworks...