Forums > Living in Kunming > Worst Job agent If you want to have a good English teaching job in Kunming please avoid agent named Bradley, he's not paying to his teachers for months, not answering phone calls and messages, if you don't want to stress about your money please try to avoid this man. And if you had the same problem with him please reply below.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Laowai online high speed train ticket purchase Use or register with your phone number, you'll recieve a message, come to the trainstation before departure show them the message and get your ticket in the ticket window, easy
Forums > Living in Kunming > modern city life & 'civilization' Come on guys this is yunnan, damn farmland, i lived in beijing no one stares at you except wild nongs from provinces like yunnan
Forums > Living in Kunming > Getting a cat vaccinated for travel to US Also want to know the adress of this government office at dianchi lu, anyone knows the exact adress?
Forums > Living in Kunming > Trying to buy a dog Hey guys, can you tell me where i can register my dog, got all the shots already, anyone know the exact adress?
Kunming dog registration required as of August 1, 2019
Posted byThey better crack down people smoking in the elevators and kids peeing and shitting on the streets, thic city is a joke