I'd like to test the bicycle Velodrome in Chenggong. Does anyone know if its open to public, how to get there, etc?
I'd like to test the bicycle Velodrome in Chenggong. Does anyone know if its open to public, how to get there, etc?
Dear Diego,
This sounds super interesting!
If I can arrange everything for nice screening in a nice gallery, would you like to show the films again? Or would it be possible to meet up with you and you could tell me a bit more about the films?
best regards, Luna
I swim regularly (when sunny weather) in the outdoor pool in Chunyuan, its great. Where do you usually go?
jup, can't deny that :)
Är du också svensk eller är det bara ditt namn?
I think bus 28 will get me there, going out to give it a try. I'll get back to you if I find it!
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