thank you so much!
thank you so much!
I guess I am mostly wondering if there is an art scene, or just any type of music scene.
Any suggestion is nice, just looking for places to explore Kunming while I am here!
Are there any art styled classes available?
Woah this thread went in a completely different direction than expected. But, interesting points made, I suppose I will be more mindful about how I use "cool". I guess it is obvious I am from the west, I apologize for any negative stigma that might have caused that was not my intention.
I appreciate the in put! Yeah I suppose I am interested in whatever "art scene" or "art styles" I may be able to explore while I am here versus sticking to a museum.
I am a student from the US studying abroad here for about 5 more weeks, I am hoping to get into the art and music scene around Kunming!
Does anyone know of art classes or cool museums to go to? ~ Also looking for friends to explore the town with ~
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