Forums > Living in Kunming > Wordprezz CMS Alternatives
hey... I use wordpress and deploy in HK server, wordpress has pluggins for Ali Pay and even QQ and WeChat... I do this for living... send me a note if I can help.
hey... I use wordpress and deploy in HK server, wordpress has pluggins for Ali Pay and even QQ and WeChat... I do this for living... send me a note if I can help.
marcuschen... actually there is one restaurant downtown that is awesome. I'll get the name + dish names and send them over.
@marcuschen / awesome I'll go early next week...
I know the owner of a cool restaurant it's in fortune plaza (north of the City)...
I could cook the Latin food... I'm always in for a party!!! Let me ask... how many people and at what time?
@Napoleon LOL... Haaa... no doubt or like my in laws ... take out those chopsticks and go at it!!!
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