User profile: flyingeggplant

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Looking for foam "mattress" shop

I'm looking for a shop that sells the four inch thick foam pads to put on top of a hard mattress. Not the one or two inch thick ones they sell at Walmart and other big stores but the small shops that just sell the foam in various thicknesses, always hard to find and always moving locations, it seems! Thanks!


Forums > Travel Yunnan > Return air ticket required for L-visa?

Sorry if I was unclear. We never "converted" L visas to Z visas. We came to Kunming on L visas and were then sponsored by legit schools to go to HK or Bangkok to apply for the Z visas with letters from the schools.


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Looks great, but if you live in the center city, Dr. Li's clinic at 55 Hua Shan Nan Rd. has been delivering modern dental services to locals and foreigners for years now. He and several other staff members speak English and his facilities are state of the art. Highly recommended. Here's his number: 13708738885


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