Probably this is a silly question, but has anyone seen stevia for sale in Kunming? It's a type of sweetener, in some countries you can buy it either refined in packets (like an artificial sweetener) or in ground up leaf form. Apparently it's used a lot in Japan. My Chinese dictionary calls it tian2 ju2.
I think this law should be changed, as far as I'm aware it's about Australia only wanting to let people in who will improve the economics of the country but there are other more important ways to contribute to a country than money.
However I haven't looked into it enough, would they have let him in if he wasn't autistic? if not then maybe it's fair, but if they would have let a non autistic boy in then it sounds discriminatory to me. I'm in Australia though and I do like it here, there are some stupid laws and some racism but not everyone is like that.
thanks all!!! useful info, yes I think sharing would be preferable. If I really couldn't find one I would rent an apartment and maybe try to sublet, 1600 would be quite expensive if I'm not working.
This is not kind, it's a good example of doing something without knowledge. She needs to be educated in environmental science. What happens to these animals when someone has to go out and control them all, usually by killing them, in order to stop them killing other species or eating the food of the native animals. It's neither kind to them or to other species, and in the end people blame the animals (e.g. Australia, cats, cane toads, rabbits, New Zealand, possums, stoats) when actually it was the unthinking actions of humans that caused the problem in the first place.
Kunming university ponders fate of baby owl
Posted byaw, hope everything goes well for him.
Yunnan's "largest illegal animal smuggling ring" broken up
Posted byGreat!!! Good on Kunming police!
Blogger 'frees' animals, stirring up controversey
Posted bythough I guess all of these have already been released in Yunnan, maybe not such a big problem here....
Blogger 'frees' animals, stirring up controversey
Posted byThis is not kind, it's a good example of doing something without knowledge. She needs to be educated in environmental science. What happens to these animals when someone has to go out and control them all, usually by killing them, in order to stop them killing other species or eating the food of the native animals. It's neither kind to them or to other species, and in the end people blame the animals (e.g. Australia, cats, cane toads, rabbits, New Zealand, possums, stoats) when actually it was the unthinking actions of humans that caused the problem in the first place.
Monkey mayhem descends on downtown Kunming
Posted byhow's the monkey at green lake doing? has anyone heard anything, I hope he/she is ok! :)