User profile: fishlips

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Forums > Living in Kunming > transfering visa to new passport

Just renewed my english passport and was told that I had to transfer the visa within 10 days of receipt. Your old passport is no longer valid so the visa sits in between worlds. Be careful, they're not using the same logic you and I might. Best go down to the PSB.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New English Visa

Sure Peter. Its not my precious little thread. Trying to find out some info to organise my life. If no one has any pertinent information then please don't comment here. Start your own.
Those that know the stuff you're alluding to are already enlightened and prepared. Those that don't, have no idea or want to know. Cognitive dissonance. Get on with what you're doing and keep it to yourself. The reason you're talking here about it shows me you only have part of the story and want people to see how clever you are.
Not clever and irritating for me.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New English Visa

Hey Peter NumbNuts. Then make your own post about the coming apocalypse.
Take your downward spirals, old moral code and your dice and go sit in your cave somewhere with your backpack and water purification tablets. Only you obviously have the brains to be speaking about this subject in such a place in such a country. Sod off, you brainless twat.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New English Visa

Thanks for the info.

One american, two canadians and a ten year visa.
Any people from the democratic republic of the congo can also chip in about obtaining visas to greenland.
Hey, its all good information.
I'll find out in the next few weeks and post it here.
All sarcasm aside. Thanks.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New English Visa

Thanks for the info.

One american, two canadians and a ten year visa.
Any people from the democratic republic of the congo can also chip in about obtaining visas to greenland.
Hey, its all good information.
I'll find out in the next few weeks and post it here.
All sarcasm aside. Thanks.


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