User profile: kongtianhui

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Vegan/Vegeratian Social Problem (in China)

Hey guys,

Is a kind of complicated topic, so I try to express it as simpler as possible, be a vegetarian in China in general is quite hard especially when you don't cook at home and wanna go out to eat in Chinese restaurants, be vegan is even harder, (I am mostly vegan by the way).

If you hang out with Chinese friends or girlfriend (now, ex-gf in my case) you gonna encounter even more problems since they will bring you to the only Chinese restaurant, in Chinese culture eating and sharing the food on the same table is the most important moment for a family, friends, couple, co-worker, your boss etc,, if you don't enjoy the food people will look very down at you. Since the 90% of dish in a family/business table contains meat as vegetarian you will end up in just eating the side dish and you will ruin the supposedly joyful atmosphere, if you try to explain why you don't eat meat probably they will kick you out of the restaurant, if you say that is because of your religion (true or not) they will look at you while thinking "what is wrong with him".

So how can you been vegan/vegetarian and be accepted by the traditional Chinese society?

How can the parents or your girl-boy friend, generation or only meet
eater can accept you? and more important, what do you guys think, should just give up to be vegetarian just because in China in not well accepted and my ex-girlfriend ask me to do so because she is afraid that I will ruin all the happy moments on every table?

To add one more things, all this apply also the the Alcohol so, how can you deal the KTV, birthday or work party without join the endless ganbei beer just drinking don't lose face time? no way right?

The discussion is open, Thanks guys..

Forums > Living in Kunming > Temporary Residence Problem!!

I know that, especially if I will wanna stay in China for another semester, I should mess up with the PSB, but do some PSB officers really check where I am living? for the PSB I am still living in my old place in GuanDu and when I have been to this new PSB to register they didn't take my information, just the address of the apartment to then talk with the landlord, do they note down the address to send somebody to check if I am still here in the next days, weeks or months?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Temporary Residence Problem!!

I had a Chinese roommate help me in this and handle with the police, but the police scared the landlord on the phone, by saying they except the contract they need the propriety certificate to proof that the landlord is the real owner of the house and the landlord as to sign a document saying that the landlord take responsibility of my actions in China, things so wired so that's way the landlord don't wan't give me the contract anymore.

The first time I register in GuanDuQu they just wanna a contract that it.

The PSB where I have been is in the corner between KeFaLu and HaiYuanBeiLu under WuHua, can I go to a differte PSB and try again?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Temporary Residence Problem!!

Hi guys, I need your advise, I have try to register my self to the PSB but at the and the police ask me to leave the apartment where I live and find another place.

The story: 45 days ago I move to an 3 bedroom apartment sharing with 1 Chinese lady and 1 Chinese guy, the lady is not the landlord but at that time she was in charge to rent out the 3rd room and she told me that she will ask the landlord about the contract, I also told here that i have to register to the police station (PSB) and I must need a He Tong and she said that is not a problem and she will ask the landlord for the contract, for more then 1 month she keep delaying by saying that the landlord is not in Kunming (and actually is true) and he will come back next week. So after 45 days I decide (stupid decision) to go to the PSB anyway and tell them that now I am staying to this new place and I still don't have the contract but I wanna register anyway to avoid any problem with the Chinese Law, so the police find out the landlord number by looking my apartment's address on their computer and at the end the landlord (that again is not in Kunming since he is enjoining the money earn from renting houses around) decide to don't give me the contract because he think is too complicated since I am a foreigner.

So the police say that I have to move to another place in 24h.

Is there any way to solve this problem? any of you guys ever had this problem? and more important what can happen to me, my roommates and landlord if I don't move out and stay in this apartment without register to the PSB?

Thanks guys.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Tai Chi School or Teacher

Hey there!

I am wandering if anybody knows some school (small or big), temple, center or private group (to join) where I can learn Tai Chi.
It doesn't matter the style as far they teach how to synchronize the movements in the right way and feel the energy (QI), better if the teacher is into some spiritual believes.
So far I found a center in Jin Bin Square for 900RMB/Month, is a bit expensive so I look for something cheaper.
For the location, anywhere in between 15km from Kunming downtown is fine.

Thanks guys.


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