User profile: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Good Cosmetic Dentist

We use Berder just off Baiyun Lu subway stop for all our dental needs. They have an English-speaking dentist from Taiwan who I believe pays attention to the cosmetic outcome.

Forums > Living in Kunming > 2 Covid cases in Chengong?

Kindergarten informed today that in response to public health situation, New Year holidays (3 days) over coming weekend are cancelled, and spring/CNY holiday will start a couple weeks earlier than previously scheduled, now running 7 weeks starting Jan 8th.

Maybe applies to schools too?

Forums > Living in Kunming > 2 Covid cases in Chengong?

My wife works as teacher in an extra-curricular training center, and she told that all such establishments in Kunming are ordered to close after tomorrow, in response to the developing situation. Son's kindergarten has not informed of any closure.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blog Reporting vs News Reporting

Whole lot of issues around that... work permits of these roving reporters to begin with, if they are getting paid in any way, and not permanent residents.

On topic of publishing in Chinese internet platforms, these are usually financed by commercial revenue whether the authors themselves get paid a dime or not. Advertisements, subscriptions, whatever.

In past when I moved on marriage visa and was working remotely for foreign employer, PSB (which I informed of the situation) very clearly worded how my work may not source direct or indirect revenue from China or create economic benefits for any Chinese company in any way.

If one posts on advertisement-driven blog site or whatever, that kind of establishes advertising revenue for the enterprise already - if your posts have any audience.

Ultimately I think it boils down to defining whether such blogging is part of normal life these days (equal to buying groceries or taking subway), or a job.

Maybe I am creating revenue for GoKunming as I write this, but I would argue that in this case I am just living the life so it's OK. If I started publishing regular blog on this site, it might not be.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blog Reporting vs News Reporting

Depends more about content and size of audience than the medium I think, and the platform where it gets published.

If foreign internet platforms, Chinese government has limited methods to control what foreigners publish in those anyway. Whether it is innocent tourism blog or critical political commentary doesn't make much difference.

If Chinese internet platforms, no matter how innocent the content starts with, it is more about size of audience until you get flagged as a "citizen journalist" and treated accordingly. There would be room to maneuver in relevant laws to flag you as news media regardless.

Plus in the latter case I imagine there is lot of competition from local native bloggers.


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Development brings changes to old rituals as well.

About two years ago I was in a funeral ceremony of a close relative-by-law deep in Changning county in eastern Baoshan prefecture.

The deceased was not really an Yi, but was written off as such in the population records. Rest of the family, as well as most of the villagers, were Yi.

New regulations from authorities state that the deceased may no longer be just buried like they were in past. Instead, they must now always be cremated. I assume this is to save valuable farmland in the mountains, and perhaps for hygiene reasons as well..

Since this cremation is done in a separate facility, it means that the deceased (and his or her left-behind spirit), who previously remained in the family house until buried, have to be taken out of the house for cremation and then returned to the house in a small coffin.

The spirits are known to have some temper, so much care is always put to making them happy.

In that specific village, this was the first case of implementing the new regulations. The ritual specialist had to establish new rituals so the spirit could safely travel outside the house and then return.

Wooden stools were lined in the courtyard, and a line was attached to them to form a kind of bridge, which the spirit could use to leave the household and then return there for further rituals. Firecrackers naturally escorted the way.

This was a variation of a case where somebody would die (accidentally for example) outside of the house. In that case, a similar pathway would be created so the spirit could return to the house for rituals, before usually returning to the mountains where the death occurred.

I was told of a spirit of a man who lives in the nearby mountainside. At that time guns were still allowed, and the poor guy fell to his death when taking a shot at a wild goat or similar animal.

On top of the mountain there are half a dozen shrines for everyone who has died in the mountains. Visitors to the mountain top are expected to kowtow to each of these shrines, or risk wrath of the spirits on their way down.

I was going to mention that. Also If there were (even) more dams and associated buffer lakes along the river, then those (unless already full of course) could dampen the impact of this kind of natural disasters further along the stream. But that would be man vs. nature of course, at cost of nature.

Since many Chinese tourists will not stay in Kunming, but head to more touristy places in Yunnan, I'm wondering how many will change plane at Changshui to get to their final destinations, and how many will take subway or other transport downtown and then to other travel nodes - like the high speed train terminal.

I'm thinking that for many the latter option would give a chance to see at least a bit of the provincial capital, and also some countryside from train or bus that they wouldn't catch from air.

Thus the question is, how rest of Kunming's transport system is up to take this expected increase in air passengers.

@Montaigne: The 2pm opening time in end of the advertisement refers to opening time of the original Shanghai location. This ad does not mention opening time of the Kunming location at all, but clicking to the official event calendar entry, it seems to be at 11am.

I would tend to think, that it is not easy to separate loss of cognitive performance caused directly by air pollution, and loss of same abilities indirectly by otherwise weakened other abilities (ranging from lung performance to worse sleep for example) arising from the same pollution.

Considering the wide range of parameters that may affect ones cognitive performance, it should be no-brainer to conclude that (one way or another) air pollution affects cognitive performance.


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