User profile: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Good Cosmetic Dentist

We use Berder just off Baiyun Lu subway stop for all our dental needs. They have an English-speaking dentist from Taiwan who I believe pays attention to the cosmetic outcome.

Forums > Living in Kunming > 2 Covid cases in Chengong?

Kindergarten informed today that in response to public health situation, New Year holidays (3 days) over coming weekend are cancelled, and spring/CNY holiday will start a couple weeks earlier than previously scheduled, now running 7 weeks starting Jan 8th.

Maybe applies to schools too?

Forums > Living in Kunming > 2 Covid cases in Chengong?

My wife works as teacher in an extra-curricular training center, and she told that all such establishments in Kunming are ordered to close after tomorrow, in response to the developing situation. Son's kindergarten has not informed of any closure.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blog Reporting vs News Reporting

Whole lot of issues around that... work permits of these roving reporters to begin with, if they are getting paid in any way, and not permanent residents.

On topic of publishing in Chinese internet platforms, these are usually financed by commercial revenue whether the authors themselves get paid a dime or not. Advertisements, subscriptions, whatever.

In past when I moved on marriage visa and was working remotely for foreign employer, PSB (which I informed of the situation) very clearly worded how my work may not source direct or indirect revenue from China or create economic benefits for any Chinese company in any way.

If one posts on advertisement-driven blog site or whatever, that kind of establishes advertising revenue for the enterprise already - if your posts have any audience.

Ultimately I think it boils down to defining whether such blogging is part of normal life these days (equal to buying groceries or taking subway), or a job.

Maybe I am creating revenue for GoKunming as I write this, but I would argue that in this case I am just living the life so it's OK. If I started publishing regular blog on this site, it might not be.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blog Reporting vs News Reporting

Depends more about content and size of audience than the medium I think, and the platform where it gets published.

If foreign internet platforms, Chinese government has limited methods to control what foreigners publish in those anyway. Whether it is innocent tourism blog or critical political commentary doesn't make much difference.

If Chinese internet platforms, no matter how innocent the content starts with, it is more about size of audience until you get flagged as a "citizen journalist" and treated accordingly. There would be room to maneuver in relevant laws to flag you as news media regardless.

Plus in the latter case I imagine there is lot of competition from local native bloggers.


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@sezuwupom : "JanJal is living the good life [...] Igor's delivers to your door."

You forgot to mention that I recycle and care for environment, which is why I would prefer to pick up my bakeries on my way rather than have someone on scooter deliver it wrapped in plastics. Even if it would leave the plastic maker and the scooter driver jobless. They could find new jobs in Just Hot, which I keep in business.

But I wish best of luck to Igor's. If location is everything, they have some catching up to do to reach out to potential customers like they are doing in this paid review..

Went here one morning after grocery shopping in nearby Walmart.

No surprise, shelves were less than half-empty like they are in all upper scale bakeries I've visited in Kunming, specifically in the mornings before lunch.

They all seem to get stocked up few hours after lunch time, which for me is too late because I like to consume my sweets at home(=office) couple of hours after lunch, without making a separate trip for it.

Thus my staple bakeries remain from big and soulless chains like Just Hot, that have their donuts ready before 11am.

They also say time is a healer, and it takes time to grow. While time does get peope killed, it also helps greatly in reproduction. Without time, we would not have gotten where we are now - nor would we get to develop into extradimensional beings bound by neither space nor time, if we ban it now.

What I propose, is that we do not ban time, but instead develop ourselves beyond time, so that we no longer depend on it, and becomes indifferent to us.

On a related but more serious note, should humanity also develop beoynd organic in our feeding patterns?

For most people, things like "organic" or "free range" has already developed past hunting wild game and gathering roots and berries. For the minority that still practises such, our current methods to grow our food must appear as strange as eating protein grown in reactors would sound to many of us.

A store we frequent for vegetables and meat is Q+Life in B1 level of TKP Shopping Mall (Beijing Lu / Baiyun Lu). My wife has bought for their green advertising, I cannot vouch either way but I'm satisfied with the quality.

Well, we are having minor thunderstorm right now. Earlier in the week my phone's weather forecast showed daily rain drops in Kunming from end of this week til end of eternity, Or was it just the two weeks ahead it can show.


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