User profile: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Oh OK, makes more sense then.

In the past there were two guys at the counter, one reading QR and other taking sample. Wasn't paying attention how they use the bottles - I assumed they bottled each sample individually.

But today they separately scanned QRs and handed out empty container (I assume) to every 10th individual earlier in the queue, and that person would then carry it to the testing station.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Testing stations seem to have changed to a system where swab samples from 10 consecutive individuals are collected in single container, and tested as a whole. If that batch (of individuals that happened to queue together) tests positive, then all 10 are called for individual re-testing.

Or so I was told - sounds a bit weird (knowing TIC), that all 10 have to go queue again, while fully knowing at least one of them was just tested positive.

Perhaps it was explained to me poorly - would make more sense, in local context, for hazmat suits to visit the individuals instead.

I suppose this speeds testing in situation where there aren't that many cases around - and saves resources.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Any Recent Passport Renewal Experience?

Don't know about UK, but for my country must go file the application in person (they confirm identity at that time, take finger prints etc). Pickup later yourself or by someone authorized with letter of attorney.

Since CoVid-19, you can apparently also arrange and prepay a courier service to pick up the enveloped passport and deliver to Kunming.

But for any country with attention to security, it sounds strange if everything could be done without going in person at all (neither for application nor pick-up).


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"support the website by making an account, asking questions in the forum, leaving reviews and using the classifieds section to find a job, sell your stuff or rent an apartment."

This (or rather what is not included in that list of to-dos) sums the criticism that I personally have toward the whole ordeal, and how GoKunming (out of no choice I understand) had to respond to it with rest of the nation.
Ask questions and increase revenue, but feel free to avoid discussing and, heaven forbid, debating anything.

Not sure if this applies to Italy visas, but for many other European countries:

The Joint Visa Application Center that used to be in Beichen, is now relocated to an office building at intersection of .Shibo Road and Bojin Avenue.

New address:
1501D, Building A, Low Carbon Business Center, No. 12 Shibo Road, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 650000 China

I'm not a big fan of croissants anyway, and donuts I have not found in either of the establishments you mentioned.

@Dolphin: "savouring the croissant helps to cultivate appreciation. ie appreciating simple things rather than always feeling discontent that you don't have enough"

Perhaps, but it equally helps to cultivate ignorance of all the labor that has been put into creating that experience for you. At least I would allow you to feel discontent on behalf all the people who don't have enough, whether they had part in creating the croissant or not.

I't shouldn't anymore be about what you have or don't have, but what the other 7.7 billion (minus 1) people have or don't have. That's where the musings of Buddha (as quoted above) go wrong in this day and age.

There perhaps was a time, when embracing reality same way you would savour the croissant, could have been beneficial to achieving an enlightened state of mind.

But today, many would call such view on life quite the opposite of enlightened - it could be called ignorance or covering your eyes from all that is wrong. Perhaps that's suitable in Chinese context.

There, I connected the croissant to politics.


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