User profile: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Also in Panlong district, when picking up kid from kindergarten today the teacher said tomorrow there is no attendance.

Later in the class group chat she just gave message "If there are any questions, call me". The other parent did, and was told there is no information when kindergarten would resume.

Forums > Living in Kunming > RDP from China

I have accessed computers outside China with RDP client, but last time was maybe 2 years ago. It worked as backup option to check email etc when other options were unavailable, but that's it.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Diarrhea issues

I have never really got sick directly from food, water or related issues in Kunming. Child in kindergarten creates indirect channel though.

There is one particular city elsewhere in Yunnan where I have on number of occasions got sick from eating, to the degree of trying to avoid the city altogether.

I am not convinced that my stomach is less sensitive than most people's, but if that would be the case and there still is specific city where I frequently get problems, it probably indicates need of attention of health officials - or would somewhere else.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Gokunming-Where have all the foreigners gone

I think that most of the concerns brought up on this thread are not about any specific ethnicity of foreigners, but merely holding a foreign passport and as such denied (sometime without legal basis) services.

Registering at hotel for example, where one is required to present a Chinese ID or foreign passport, I don't think that it would make difference whether the passport says USA, Finland, Iraq or Korea (with face matching the mainstream ethnicity in given country) - treatment would be same.

I would not attribute those toward central government policies as much as ignorance of local establishments and local government entities supervising them.

Kunming is still not a civilized city - even by China's own standards, right?

Forums > Living in Kunming > How many foreigners are left?

Indeed nobody (except PSB) would know exactly, but probably won't have public data until next national census?

Should probably factor in that beside CoVid-19 there may be other reasons (for-profit education crackdown for example) that contributes to some foreigners choosing to leave, while the pandemic simultaneously making some unable to leave despite wanting - as demonstrated in above comment.

So even if there were solid figures, interpreting those might be non-trivial. If looking for reasons at all that is.


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In extreme poverty, people will even limit survival to that of their own person.

This has been reported, for example, from DPRK prison camps with family members turning on each other to survive.

In today's China you cannot make this comparison to DPRK, but China's history has left its marks in people's behavior today.

If I interpret Mike correctly, he is referring to general attitude of average Chinese person toward other human beings, nature, and generally everything other than himself and his immediate family.

For long time China was poor country, and it still reflects in many parts of the society. One is, that average Chinese will always put his own survival and benefit first.


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