User profile: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > 8 killed, 18 injured in Yunnan construction fracas

I have talked about these projects with some Chinese, and their view seems to always be that the developer has offered them one or two apartments, but they want more.

Now, I have no reason to believe that this is the whole truth.

These Chinese I've talked to, admit so much that the apartments given to farmers are nowhere as finished as those going to sales (I don't mean furniture and such extra, but basically all interior work).

I can well imagine something like this conveniently left out of paperwork without the farmers knowing to ask for it.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blocked-Banned-Censored

No, that is democracy only if the government was elected by those same people.

Democracy is that everyone gets to choose the government, regardless of the quality of that government.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blocked-Banned-Censored

Well they were just getting started with identifying foreign meddlers behind the whole operation. Easier to pick those if there are ongoing protests.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Blocked-Banned-Censored

Apparently the police beat someone in custody and it was caught on camera and broadcast in TV in Hong Kong. And this news comes from HK media. Granted, it's not Beijing owned media, but still should be trustable.


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In extreme poverty, people will even limit survival to that of their own person.

This has been reported, for example, from DPRK prison camps with family members turning on each other to survive.

In today's China you cannot make this comparison to DPRK, but China's history has left its marks in people's behavior today.

If I interpret Mike correctly, he is referring to general attitude of average Chinese person toward other human beings, nature, and generally everything other than himself and his immediate family.

For long time China was poor country, and it still reflects in many parts of the society. One is, that average Chinese will always put his own survival and benefit first.


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